“We can see today [that] we’ve failed to mitigate these outbreaks because we lacked the basic understanding of these diseases. Without basic understanding, we can’t put policy in place that would stop this, so diseases continue to spread quickly,” says James, an expert in amphibian health and fungi curator at LSA’s Research Museums Center. “With frogs in captivity, we can treat them with an antifungal—but, despite their efficacy, there are bad side effects. For bats, biological solutions haven’t worked at all.”
Speer recently finished her term as director of the Michigan Pathogen Biorepository and assistant professor in EEB. Like James, she is interested in why these fungal infections are a problem now, particularly in bats. “Bats are a model system for being able to tolerate or resist infections,” she says. “Viral and bacterial infections that prove fatal in other mammals don’t demonstrate the same outcome in bats. However, they’re susceptible to this fungus.”
The team has access to the Michigan Pathogen Biorepository’s high-quality, wildlife-associated parasite and pathogen specimens. Here, researchers can study host-fungus interactions using genetics, creating a bridge between biodiversity science and public health, in which James and Cernak specialize, respectively.“
It’s the classic operation in medicine, where researchers are interfaced at the hospital and patients’ tissue samples can be gene sequenced to fully understand their tumor or condition. Then, we can match it to a drug, or we begin creating a new one,” says Cernak, also a member of U-M’s Center for Global Health Equity.
By using U-M’s Drug Repurposing Library and the Michigan Pathogen Biorepository, the team has access to myriad clinical compounds and disease strains. This allows Cernak to plug wildlife medicine research into the modern drug discovery workflow, as if it were coming from a human hospital.“
I’m looking forward to bringing my background in pharmacokinetics to conservation work. I can try to understand how a possible antifungal treatment distributes in a frog or bat’s tissues and eventually exits the body. We don’t want to over- or underdose. But frogs and bats are different from humans. They don’t take their pill with breakfast every morning, and they live in different environments and are different sizes,” says Cernak. “But pushing dosing models into a new dimension is scientifically exciting.”