Marking a Milestone
In 1972, LSA offered the first women’s studies class on campus: Introduction to Women’s Studies. In 1973, LSA’s Executive Committee approved the Women’s Studies Program, which initially offered five courses. Today the department offers more than 45 courses each semester on topics around gender and health; gender, race, and ethnicity; and LGBTQ studies.
“Women’s studies is still relevant today ironically for all the reasons it was 40 years ago,” says Elizabeth Cole, chair of the Women’s Studies Department. “Questions are still in demand: Why is there inequality? What maintains it? How can we change it?”
In the video above, the department’s faculty, alumni, and students discuss the importance of women’s studies and how it prepares grads for careers in a variety of fields. The new face of feminism is diverse—and ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Video production by Natalie Condon.