You can learn a lot in 72 hours.
This month, 36 LSA students traveled across the country on fully funded excursions to three major American cities to do flash internships through the LSA Opportunity Hub. Flash internships like these provide behind-the-scenes access, where they get to hear from CEOs and other industry leaders at places like Netflix, Pinterest, BP, and Oxford University Press.
This time, students immersed themselves in Nashville’s healthcare field, in New York City’s publishing world, and Houston’s energy industry. Over the course of just a few days, students heard from alumni and industry veterans—and saw for themselves what the work is like.
Previous flash internship programs have helped students explore technology in Silicon Valley and sports media in New York. All of the flash internships are organized through the LSA Opportunity Hub, which supports students as they connect their academic interests to their professional aspirations—a process that flash internships are particularly well suited to.
Click through the slideshow above for scenes from this month’s flash internship trips.