- Budget and Finance
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- Student Academic Affairs
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- Academic Integrity
- Academic Policy
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- Undergraduate Education
The Academic Policy area within the Office of Student Academic Affairs manages the academic policy exception process for the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. We work to educate students, faculty, and staff on academic policies that govern LSA degrees, striving to ensure academic policies are equitable and inclusive.
Exceptions to LSA Degree Requirements and Academic Policies
Students may request a substitution for a LSA degree requirement or policy exception by submitting a petition. Please note that LSA degree requirements will not be waived; however, petitions for substitutions are possible. Online petitions are available for the following:
- Bachelor of Science
- Distribution
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Foreign Language - please request an appointment with an academic advisor
- Race and Ethnicity
- Incomplete Time Extension
For petitions related to the first-year writing or upper-level writing requirement, please reach out to the Sweetland Writing Center.
To petition any other LSA academic policy or requirement, please email your petition to lsa.academic.policy@umich.edu. Your petition should include the following:
- Name:
- Course and Term (if applicable):
- Policy or requirement being petitioned:
- Your argument for the requested exception/substitution:
- Attach any relevant evidence or documentation that you may have
Most petitions are reviewed and resolved within 1-2 weeks.
Exceptions for Major or Minor Requirements
Only departmental advisors can approve substitutions or exceptions for major or minor requirements. Please contact the department to find out about their policies and procedures.