The Spectrum Center at the University of Michigan
The Spectrum Center is committed to enriching the campus experience and developing students as individuals and members of communities using sexual orientation and gender identity and expression as our framework. Our work is accomplished through a student-centered intersectional lens.
A pilot program of our Introduction to LGBTQIA2S+ Communities and Identities Webcourse, an introductory course on LGBTQIA2S+ vocabulary and identity terminology for members of the University of Michigan community.
This webcourse was developed with two primary goals in mind: To expand our current educational offeringsTo provide a way to teach fundamental LGBTQIA2S+ terms and topics outside of our workshops.
Introduction to LGBTQIA2S+ Communities and Identities is open to students, faculty, and staff interested in learning core concepts and introductory vocabulary related to LGBTQIA2S+ communities. We designed this course to prepare learners for participation in our live trainings and workshops by creating a baseline for understanding. By moving more foundational learning out of live workshops, we intend to make our workshops more engaging and enriching.
We hope this course provides learners an approachable opportunity to learn at their own pace. Although the course was designed to accompany our live workshops, independent learners are also welcome to participate. However, this is course is not designed to substitute for allyship development programs, other LGBTQIA2S+ workshops, or even an LGBTQ 101 workshop. This course is a starting point in the journey of lifelong learning about LGBTQIA2S+ justice, equity, inclusion, and belonging.