English 313.001: Topics in Literary Studies
The Novel and Virtual Realities
Instructor: Blair, Sara
English 313.002: Topics in Literary Studies
Evil and the American Literary Imagination
Instructor: Larson, Kerry
English 317.002: Literature and Culture
Visual Fictions: Photography and 20th/21st-Century Literature
Instructor: Miller, Joshua
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Identity/Difference.
English 317.003: Literature and Culture
Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Instructor: Mitchell, Justin
English 317.005: Literature and Culture
The Theatre of US Women's Liberation
Instructor: Fitzgerald, Jason
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Identity/Difference.
English 317.006: Literature and Culture
The Pursuit of Happiness
Instructor: Orr, Ittai
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Pre-1900.
English 320.001: Literature and the Environment
Literature, the Environment, & the Art of the Journal
Instructor: Knuth, Aric
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Pre-1900.
English 360.001: The Rise of the Novel
The Advent of the Modern Novel and How It Works
Instructor: Crane, Gregg
English 362.001: The American Novel
US Modernism in Word and Image
Instructor: Miller, Joshua
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Identity/Difference.
English 383: Jewish Literature
Jewish Culture in America: 1945 to the Present
Instructor: Levinson, Julian
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Identity/Difference.
English 387.001: Latino/Latina Literature of the United States
Latinx Literature of the United States
Instructor: Valella, Daniel
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Identity/Difference.
English 407.001: Topics in English Language and Literature
Stories of Place
Instructor: Porter, David
English 440: Modern Poetry
Modernist Poetries in the U.S.
Instructor: White, Gillian
This course also satisfies the following requirement(s): Poetry.