125.101 | TBA | Writing and Academic Inquiry
125.102 | TBA | Writing and Academic Inquiry
125.103 | TBA | Writing and Academic Inquiry
223.101 | Walker | Poetry, Fiction, and a Single Carrot
225.101 | TBA | Academic Argumentation
298.101 | TBA | Introduction to Literary Studies
317.101 | Knuth | NELP* (P19)
317.102 | Khan | Borders: Graphic Narratives of Migration & Displacement (ID)
318.101 | Hawes | Prose Satires of the Eighteenth Century (P18)
323.101 | Townsend | Creative Writing: Fiction
325.101 | Nichols | Art of the Essay (ULWR)
325.102 | TBA | Art of the Essay (ULWR)
325.103 | TBA | Art of the Essay (ULWR)
328.101 | Knuth | NELP* (P)
340.101 | Mattawa | Writing in Diverse Poetic Traditions (P)
362.101 | J. Miller | The Literature of Now: 21st Century American Fiction (AL)
367.101 | Trevor | The Plays of William Shakespeare(P16)
473.101 | Knuth | NELP* (AL)
* Please note all courses related to NELP are part of a program and require an application. Please click here for more information or contact Professor Aric Knuth.
Pre-1642 (Pre16)
Pre-1830 (Pre18)
Pre-1900 (Pre19)
American Literature (AL)
Identity & Difference (I/D)
Poetry (P)
Upper Level Writing Requirement (ULWR)