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2013 Meeting of the Midwest Consortium on Ancient Religions

Friday, November 1, 2013
4:00 AM
Classics Library, 2175 Angell Hall

The Religious Life of Things

2013 Meeting of the Midwest Consortium on Ancient Religions

Friday, November 1
1:45 Welcome: Celia Schultz, Dept. of Classical Studies,
University of Michigan

2:00 Session I: Animate Things
Divine Automata and Religious Robots, Clara Bosak-Schroeder, Dept. of Classical Studies, University of Michigan

Prostitution and Pilgrimage in Aristophanes' Peace, Donald Sells, Dept. of Classical Studies, University of Michigan

Idols, not Rabbis: Irreligious Objects and Religious Subjects, Rachel Neis, Dept. of History and the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan

4:30 Keynote Address
From Thing to Sacred Object: The Proprioceptive Experience of Religion in Greek Antiquity
, Ioannis Mylonopoulos, Dept. of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University

Saturday, November 2
9:30 Session II: Little Things
Objects of Private Devotion in Roman and Late Antique Greece: Statuettes of Asklepios from the Athenian Agora
, Brian Martens, Dept. of English, Creighton University

Take It (Home?) With You: the Religious Life of Mid-Republican Pocula Wares, Dan-El Padilla Peralta, Department of Classics, Stanford University

Miniature Statues as Amulets, Chris Faraone, Dept. of Classics, University of Chicago

12:45 Session III: Kinds of Things
The Furniture of the Gods
, Hank Blume, Dept. of Classics, Ohio State

The Religious Life of Roman Plunder, Isabel Köster, Dept. of Classics,
Washington and Lee University

Gold Has Many Uses: Further on Gold Tablets, Fritz Graf, Dept. of  Classics, Ohio State University

3:15 Session IV: Symbolic Things
Omen and Anti-Omen: The Role of the Scarlet Wool in the Scapegoat Ritual of the Day of Atonement, Mira Balberg, Dept. of Religious  Studies, Northwestern University

Pambo's Basket: Ascetic Gift Exchange in the Lausiac History, Beth Platte, Dept. of Classics, Kalamazoo College

4:45  Concluding Remarks: Ian Moyer, Dept. of History, University of