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Current Students

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Recent News


Job Placement

  • Sara Panteri has a one-year fellowship at Tulane University before she takes up a position as Assistant Professor at Tulane University in Fall 2024.
  • Malia Piper has been appointed Assistant Director of Faculty Teaching Initiatives at the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning.
  • Robert Santucci is Visiting Assistant Professor at Kalamazoo College, 2022-23.


Fellowships and Other Recognition

  • Antonello Mastronardi has received a fellowship for 2023-24 from ANAMED, Research Center for Anatolian Civilization, at Koç University, Istanbul.
  • Katie Mikos will be at the American School this summer, participating in a seminar titled “The Archaeology of Caves: Cult and Life Throughout the Ages.” She will also be a Rackham Public Engagement Fellow at UMMA in the Fall and has been invited to serve a 2-year term on the Presidential Advisory Committee on Public Art at U-M.
  • Brittany Hardy won a Rackham predoctoral Fellowship for 2023-24 and was also selected as a 2023 Sweetland Graduate Fellow.
  • Justin Barney received Honorable Mention in the Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award competition for his thesis titled "Plato and Aristotle on the Efficacy of Religious Practice."
  • Andrew Mayo’s article "Herophilus and Common Opinions" is accepted for publication by Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies.


Conference Papers

  • Nine of our students will be delivering papers at the upcoming CAMWS meeting in Provo, UT: Joseph Droegemueller, Christine Ellis, Kaitlin Karmen, Sarah Keith, William LaMarra, Antonello Mastronardi, Andrew Mayo, Katie Mikos, SN Yeager


Congratulations to our recent graduates:


  • Alex Tarbet - Egyptian Folk Humor and Herodotus (Director: Sara Forsdyke)


  • Rob Santucci - Seneca and the History of Roman Eating (Director: Ruth Caston and Basil Dufallo)
  • Malia Piper - The Misunderstood Meretrix: Luxuria, Negotium, and Amicitia in Roman Comedy (Director: Ruth Caston)
  • Justin Barney - Plato and Aristotle on the Efficacy of Religious Practice (Directors: Ruth Scodel and Richard Janko) 

Visiting Assistant Professorship at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo

  • Anna Cornel - An Other View: Intersectional Identity in Classical Greece (Director: Sara Forsdyke)

Teacher of classical languages at Amadeus Lyceum in Vleuten, Utrecht, Netherlands.


Recent Awards

  • Marshall Buchanan - TLL Fellowship in 2023; author of articles on revilesco, ridica, reverso, and retundo
  • Alex Tarbet - Institute for the Humanities Fellowship, 2022-23
  • Justin Barney - Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship for 2021-2022
  • David Morphew - ProQuest Dissertation Prize (2019): Passionate Platonism: Plutarch on the Positive Role of Non-Rational Affects in the Good Life


SCS 2023 Talks

  • Amanda Kubic, "(Post) Modern Choreographies of Ovidian Metamorphosis in the Dances of Loie Fuller, Jody Sperling, and Kinetic Light"
  • Fernando Gorab Leme, "'Theocritus' Helen gets herself married"
  • Brittany Hardy, "The Tentacular Aesthetics of Pythian 12"
  • Sara Panteri, "Platonic Philosophy in Hellenistic Alexandria: The Case of Eratosthenes of Cyrene"


Alumni in the News