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Events and Community

The Department offers a rich intellectual community with many opportunities to engage with scholars at Michigan and visitors from other institutions. In addition to annual lectures and talks, it is common for people to share work in progress, read texts together, and travel together to see theater performances or museum exhibits in the area. 

Lecture series and workshops

In addition to regular Departmental lectures, we host two endowed lecture series, the annual Else lecture and biannual Jerome series.

The Brown Bag Series meets roughly once a month in the Departmental library and provides an opportunity for graduate students, faculty, and scholars in the area to share work in progress in an informal setting.

The 3 Fields Talks bring together graduate students from all three programs – Language and Literature, IPGRH and IPCAA –  to share their work in progress and encourage collaboration among the various sub-disciplines in Classical Studies. 

Rackham reading groups are sponsored by the graduate school, which offers a stipend to cover the purchase of books and other expenses. In recent years, graduate students have formed groups that focused on Republican Rome and contemporary social concerns in Classics research and teaching.

The Ancient Philosophy reading group meets regularly to discuss a philosophical text chosen at the start of the academic year. Participants take turns leading sessions which bring together scholars from a variety of different Departments on campus and programs in the area.