Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Office Information:
phone: 323.206.6138
PhD, Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Michigan (in progress)
MA, Anthropology, University of Michigan
Graduate Certificate, African Studies, University of Michigan
MS, Applied Psychology, University of Southern California
BA, Psychology, University of Southern California; Media Studies minor
Field(s) of Study
- The dynamics of attention, awareness, and salience in semiosis
- Interactionism, poetics & performativity, multimodality
- The role of prosody in language contact and change
- Human sociality and the evolution of communicative systems, self and (eu)socialty
- Symbolic systems, symbolic logic, and the limits of constructivism
- The role of bodily phenomena (sensations, emotions, "affect") in organizing social phenomena
- Intersections between semiotic ideologies, personhood, and social cognition
- Language and materiality
- Multilingualism
- Communication and globalization, communication and economics
- Media and performance, communications technologies
- Intertextuality and interdiscursivity
- Phaticity
- Imitation and mimicry
- Embodied cognition
- "Flow" and human performance
- Mass psychology, crowd psychology, group psychology
- Psychophysics, sensation and perception, vision, sound and "vibrations"
- Social change and social movements, networks, coventionalization processes
- Comparative feminisms and feminist anthropology, sex and gender
- Histories of science and technology, especially as they pertain to the social sciences, communication, linguistics, and technocratic governance
- Linguistic, semiotic, psychological, and cognitive anthropology