Professor, Anthropology; Linguistics Subfield Head
mlemp@umich.eduOffice Information:
234-E West Hall, 1085 S. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107
phone: 734-764-2156
hours: Wednesdays, 1 pm - 3 pm, via Zoom
Linguistic; Anthropology; Faculty; Department Administration
Highlighted Work and Publications
Creatures of Politics: Media, Message, and the American Presidency
Michael Lempert, Silverstein, Michael
It's a common complaint that a presidential candidate's style matters more than substance and that the issues have been eclipsed by mass-media-fueled obsession with a candidate's every slip, gaffe, and peccadillo. This book explores political communication in American presidential politics, focusing on what political insiders call "message." Message, Michael Lempert and Michael Silverstein argue, is not simply an individual's positions on the issues but the craft used to fashion the creature the public...
See MoreDiscipline and Debate: The Language of Violence in a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery
Michael Lempert
The Dalai Lama has represented Buddhism as a religion of non-violence, compassion, and world peace, but this does not reflect how monks learn their vocation. This book shows how monasteries use harsh methods to make monks of men, and how this tradition is changing as modernist reformers—like the Dalai Lama—adopt liberal and democratic ideals, such as natural rights and individual autonomy. In the first in-depth account of disciplinary practices at a Tibetan monastery in India, Michael Lempert looks closely at everyday education rites—from debate to reprimand and corporal punishment. His analysis...
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