Professor, Anthropology; Associate Chair, Anthropology
Office Information:
Office: 204-B West Hall
Lab: 420 West Hall
1085 S. University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107
phone: 734.763.4735
hours: Tuesdays 3-4:30pm (no sign-up needed) and by appointment via email
Biological; Anthropology; Department Administration
2004, Ph.D. Anthropology, Harvard University; 2000 M.A. Anthropology, Harvard University; 1996 B.A. Anthropology, summa cum laude, Harvard UniversityCurrent Courses
ANTHRBIO 133-001
Fundamentals of Scientific Computing in R
ANTHRBIO 362-001
Primate Evolutionary Ecology
ANTHRBIO 561-001
Issues in Biological Anthropology
COMPFOR 133-001
Fundamentals of Scientific Computing in R
EEB 362-001
Primate Evolutionary Ecology
ENVIRON 133-001
Fundamentals of Scientific Computing in R
ENVIRON 362-001
Primate Evolutionary Ecology
Highlighted Work and Publications
Responses of primates and other frugivorous vertebrates to plant resource variability over space and time at Gunung Palung National Park
A. J. Marshall, L. Beaudrot, H. U. Wittmer
Name of Periodical: International Journal of Primatology
Year of Publication: 2014
Incorporating preferential prey selection and stochastic predation into population viability analysis for rare prey species
H.U. Wittmer, M. Hasenbank, L. M. Elbroch, A. J. Marshall.
Name of Periodical: Biological Conservation
Volume Number: 172
Year of Publication: 2014
Page Numbers: 8-14