What is your advising philosophy?
Listen to the students to try to meet them where they're at and understand where they're coming from. Then, provide useful resources as well as encouragement. But also be willing to have the difficult conversations so that the student can form a realistic plan for success.
What was your path to Newnan?
I started teaching as an adjunct professor for Introduction to Law with the Academic Resource Center (ARC) at Cooley Law School just after graduating in 2001. I fell in love with it and found like I really found my calling in helping law students to build their skills for law school and practice. I then started teaching a second class in 2003 called Pretrial Skills, which was teaching students how to build a civil case from an initial meeting with a client through pleadings, discovery, and motion practice. Then, in 2006, I joined the ARC full-time as the Deputy Director, continuing to teach the classes, but also met one-on-one with students in the ARC and taught a whole bunch of different workshops correlated to building skills. In 2011, I joined the faculty, still teaching the Introduction to Law course, but also then teaching a Logic and Critical Reasoning class to undergrads who were interested in law school. Eventually, I was asked to teach Property Law, which I loved when I took it in law school. Throughout everything, working directly with students has given me the biggest sense of purpose.
What do you enjoy about working in Newnan?
To work with students again. I love the idea of helping students interested in law school navigate their way.
Class you loved and why?
Property Law - it has overlapping concepts with Contract Law, Constitutional Law, and Tort Law that make it exciting to learn. Plus, it's practical and useful in so many ways.
Interests and hobbies:
I collect silly t-shirts. I love word games/puzzles and logic games/puzzles. Reading has always been my refuge.