- Brain & Behavior (Biopsychology)
- Clinical Science
- Clinical Science Admissions
- Clinical Science Curriculum
- Clinical Science Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
- Clinical Science Affiliated Faculty
- Clinical Science Lecturers
- Clinical Science Emeriti Faculty
- Clinical Science Research Fellows
- Clinical Science Students
- Clinical Science Student Awards
- Clinical Science Alumni
- Clinical Science Research Laboratories
- Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN)
- Developmental Psychology
- Combined Program in Education & Psychology (CPEP)
- Gender and Feminist Psychology (G&FP)
- Personality and Social Contexts (P&SC)
- Social Psychology
- Social Work and Psychology
The first two years and advancement to candidacy
During the first two years of our program students take a variety of courses on child and adult psychopathology, clinical assessment and intervention, research methods, ethics, multicultural issues, foundations of clinical science, and a number of electives in developmental, cognitive, personality, social, and biological psychology. Students will also participate in a teaching institute and will assist in the instruction of undergraduate courses. An independent, Master's level research project is completed by the end of the student’s second year. The students are involved in practicum training on a part-time [8-10 hour a week] basis at local agencies beginning their second year. Finally, students complete a preliminary portfolio before obtaining their Masters degree and advancing to Ph.D. candidacy.
Candidacy, Dissertation, and Internship
During the third and fourth years, most students focus on developing and completing, with guidance of a faculty committee, an individualized program of advanced study and the "dissertation prospectus." Students also may take additional elective courses and obtain additional clinical experience by completing part-time clinical practica at local agencies.
During this time, students must prepare for applying to complete a 1 year, full time internship requirement typically during their 5th or 6th year of study. Finally, students usually defend their doctoral dissertation during their 5th year.
Joint Doctoral Program in Social Work and Psychology Students
Students in the joint doctoral program in social work and psychology work with mentors/advisors in both Social Work and Psychology in determining their academic trajectory; while completing coursework and prelim examinations in both areas. Students also complete a research internship/Psychology 619, they obtain teaching and research experience, and they conduct a dissertation study that combines the two areas.
Joint Social Work and Psychology students can enroll in the following clinical science area courses: (Adult 874 & Child/adol 875 Psychotherapy; Adult 878 & Child/adol 877 Psychopathology; Topics 771; Research Methods 670; Prosem Clinical Sci History & Cultural Context 776). However, Joint Social Work and Psychology students cannot enroll in the following clinical science courses (Assessment classes 775 & 778; Intro to Intervention, Supervision, Consultation and Clinical Ethics 672; Psychotherapy lab practicum 1 & 2, 872 & 873).
Residency Policy
Students are required to complete at least four years of graduate study and an APA-approved pre-doctoral internship prior to obtaining their degree. At least two of the four academic years must be completed within our program. All graduate students must meet the following: Rackham Policy (completion of 18 credits in residence prior to candidacy); Department of Psychology Residency Policy; all course requirements as a student in residence; all teaching conducted in residence; minimum of 2-year in residence. Requests to move out of residency requires faculty advisor approval, DCT/area chair approval, and SAA/Associate Chair for Graduate Studies.