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Social Work and Psychology

Area Chair: Rona Carter, Associate Professor of Psychology

The Joint Doctoral Program in Social Work and Psychology is a PhD program for students interested in examining research topics and methodologies relevant to both areas. Founded in 1957, the Joint Doctoral Program in Social Work and Social Science is the only doctoral program in the nation that allows students to gain social work research training and experience that is rooted within multiple social science disciplines.

Within the Joint Program in Social Work and Psychology, students should plan to work with a faculty affiliate in one of four subfields (i.e. Developmental, Personality and Social Contexts, Clinical or Social) and these faculty affiliates should be identified in their application.

The Joint Doctoral Program admits students who are equally committed to research in Social Work and to disciplinary expertise in Psychology. The Joint Program provides an individualized plan of study in which students take varied paths in completing their requirements.

Each joint student will work with mentors/advisors in both Social Work and Psychology in determining their academic trajectory; while completing coursework and prelim examinations in both areas. Students also complete a research internship/Psychology 619, they obtain teaching and research experience, and they conduct a dissertation study that combines the two areas.

If students do not have an M.S.W. at admission, they fulfill additional coursework and field placement credits for this degree. For more information, please contact us at: 

Joint PhD Program in Social Work and Social Science
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
3704 School of Social Work Building
1080 South University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: 734-763.5768
School of Social Work Ph.D. Programs