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Faculty, staff, and graduate students can all be reached by post at

Department of History
University of Michigan
1029 Tisch Hall, 435 S. State Street
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1003

Armen Abkarian
Doctoral Candidate in History
Andy Rafael Aguilera
PhD in History (2024); Latina/o Studies Program Certificate
Tugce Akgul
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Nicole Allora
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Hakem Al-Rustom
Assistant Professor of History, Assistant Professor of Anthropology (by courtesy), Alex Manoogian Professor of Modern Armenian History
1725 Haven Hall
Roxana Aras
PhD in Anthropology & History (2024)
Grace Argo
PhD in History and Women's and Gender Studies (2024)
Richard A. Bachmann
Doctoral Candidate in History
1631 Haven Hall
505 E State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Bob Bain
Associate Professor, School of Education
Jessie Bakitunda
Doctoral Student in History
Pamela Ballinger
Professor; Fred Cuny Chair in the History of Human Rights
2509 Haven Hall 734.647.4888
Rachael Barrett
Doctoral Student in History and Women and Gender Studies
Stephen A. Berrey
Associate Professor, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
3741 Haven Hall
Christopher Blackmore
Doctoral Candidate in History
Himani Boompally
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Elise Borbely
Office Manager
1029 Tisch Hall 734.764.6306
Zoe Brewerton
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Amelia Burke
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Noah Cashian
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Pär Cassel
Associate Professor
313 Weiser Hall 734.647.4868
Eimeel Castillo
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Studies Certificate Fellow; Museum Studies Certificate Fellow; CRLT Graduate Teaching Fellow
Albert Cavallaro
Doctoral Candidate in History; Museum Studies Certificate Program
Lorena Chambers
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Inclusive History Project and the Department of History
Justin Chun-Yin Cheng
Doctoral Student in History
1621 Haven Hall
H. Erdem Cipa
Associate Professor of Ottoman History
3012 Thayer Building
Felipe Coimbra Moretti
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Juan Cole
Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History
2527 Haven Hall
Sheila Coley
Curriculum Coordinator
1029 Tisch Hall 734.647.4882
Elizabeth Collins
Public Engagement Coordinator
1029K Tisch Hall 734.936.0535
Francesca Conterno
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Jay Cook
Professor of History & Director of Research, UM Inclusive History Project
1759 Haven Hall
Ayleen Paola Correa
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Matthew Countryman
Associate Professor of History, American Culture
2510 Haven 734.647.2434
Aileen Das
Associate Professor of Classical Studies, Middle East Studies, Judaic Studies
Deborah Dash Moore
Jonathan Freedman Distinguished University Professor of History and Judaic Studies
202 South Thayer Building, 2016 734.615-8501
Christopher DeCou
Doctoral Candidate in History
Deirdre de la Cruz
Associate Professor
Director, Doctoral Program in Anthropology & History
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
6167 South Thayer Building 734.615.8504
Robert Diaz
Doctoral Candidate in History
Angela Dillard
Richard A Meisler Collegiate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies and in the Residential College
Robert J. Donia
Adjunct Lecturer, History
Research Associate, CREES
Gregory E. Dowd
Helen Hornbeck Tanner Collegiate Professor
3672 Haven Hall 734.936.6872
Hannah Edwards
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Geoff Eley
Karl Pohrt Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
1664 Haven Hall 734.764.6373
Kati Ellis
Student Services Manager
1029P Tisch Hall 734.764.2559
Sam Erman
Professor, Law School
Olivia Evans
Student Services Assistant
1029 Tisch Hall
Sara Forsdyke
Josiah Ober Collegiate Professor of Ancient History
Katherine French
J. Frederick Hoffman Professor of History
Associate Director of Graduate Studies
1733 Haven Hall 734.647.4899
Dora Gao
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Colin Garon
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Nikki Gastineau
Chief Administrator
1029 Tisch Hall 734.936.3021
Anmol Ghavri
Doctoral Candidate in History
Will Glover
Department Chair
1029G Tisch Hall
2664 Haven

For appointments, please get in touch with executive assistant Teresa Stokes
Caspian Goggin
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Lucía González
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Allie Goodman
Doctoral Candidate in History
Arighna Gupta
Doctoral Candidate in History
Shireen Ahad Guru
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Renny Hahamovitch
Doctoral Candidate in History
Grant Halliday
Doctoral Student in History
Kelly Hannavi
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Clement Hawes
Professor Emeritus
3172 Angell Hall 734.936.2700
Jamie Hein
Ph.D. Candidate, History and WGS
David Helps
PhD in History (2024)
Tori Herzig-Deribin
Doctoral Candidate in History
Laura Hirshbein
M.D. Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School
Joel D. Howell
Elizabeth Farrand Professor Emeritus of History, Internal Medicine, and Health Management & Policy
2512 Haven Hall 734.615.8341
Diane Owen Hughes
Associate Professor Emerita
Salman Hussain
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Derek Ide
IHP / ARC-NCID Postdoctoral Fellow, Lecturer
Yanay Israeli
Assistant Professor of History and Judaic Studies
1719 Haven Hall
Islam Jaffal
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Jeff Jentzen
Professor Emeritus of History and Pathology, U-M Medical School
Rianna Johnson-Levy
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Sierra Jones
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Brittany Joyce
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Alex Jreisat
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Gunay Kayarlar
Doctoral Candidate in History
Powel H. Kazanjian
Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical School; Epidemiology, School of Public Health; History
3119 Taubman Center 734.936.5205
Allen Kendall
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Israa Khalifa
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Valerie A. Kivelson
Thomas N. Tentler Collegiate Professor; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of History
2743 Haven Hall
Sikandar Kumar
PhD in History (2024)
2623 Haven Hall (2016-2017)
Sikandar M. Kumar
2024-25 EIHS Postdoctoral Fellow
Norah Langat
Doctoral Student in History
Matthew Lassiter
Louis Evans Professor of History, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
2513 Haven Hall
Earl Lewis
Thomas C. Holt Distinguished University Professor of History, Afroamerican and African Studies and Public Policy
2735 Haven Hall
Victor B. Lieberman
Raoul Wallenberg Distinguished University Professor of History and Professor of Asian and Comparative History
1741 Haven Hall
Rudi Lindner
Professor Emeritus
Steven Mace
Doctoral Candidate in History
Olga Maiorova
Associate Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures
Mix Mann
Doctoral Candidate in History
Howard Markel
George E. Wantz Distinguished Professor of the History of Medicine; Director, Center for the History of Medicine
Jonathan Marwil
2632 Haven Hall 734.647.5418
Devi Mays
Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies
2012 Thayer Building 734.615.6658
Gianna May Sanchez
Doctoral Candidate in History
Terrence J. McDonald
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
2634 Haven 734.764.3482
Zhaina Meirkhan
Doctoral Student in History
Markus Merin
Doctoral Candidate in History
Isaac Mier
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Farina Mir
Associate Professor
2757 Haven Hall 734.647.5416
Irene Mora
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women’s and Gender Studies
David Mori
Doctoral Student in History
Rudolf Mrazek
Professor Emeritus
Comfort Tamanda Mtotha
Doctoral Candidate in History
Kai Ngu
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Thaithao Nguyen
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Shane Niesen
Doctoral Student in History
2637 Haven Hall
Lopaka O'Connor
Doctoral Candidate in History
Talitha Pam
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Swagat Pani
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Bogdan Pavlish
2024-25 Manoogian Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Armenian Studies
2627 Haven Hall
Derek Peterson
Ali Mazrui Collegiate Professor of History and African Studies
Associate Chair
2733 Haven Hall
Jennifer Playstead
Doctoral Candidate in History
Helmut Puff
Elizabeth L. Eisenstein Collegiate Professor of History and Germanic Languages
3142 MLB
Carina Ray
A.M. and H.P. Bentley Chair in African History and Associate Professor of History
2719 Haven Hall
Chao Ren
Doctoral Candidate in History
Kristi Rhead
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Bryan Roby
Associate Professor of Jewish HIstory
2111 Thayer, 1608
phone: 734.615.8563
Dima Saad
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology & History
Sangita Saha
PhD in History and Women's and Gender Studies (2024)
Mano Sakayan
Doctoral Candidate in History
Catherine Schenck
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Rebecca Scott
Charles Gibson Distinguished University Professor of History and Professor of Law
1749 Haven Hall 734.763.4779
Dennis Simiyu
Doctoral Student in History
LaKisha Michelle Simmons
Associate Professor of History & Women's and Gender Studies, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Lane Hall
Lloyd Simpson
Doctoral Student in History
Lucy Smith
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Margaret (Peggy) Somers
Professor Emerita of Sociology and History
Maya Sudarkasa
Doctoral Candidate in History
Ronald G. Suny
William H. Sewell Jr Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
1767 Haven Hall
rukmini swaminathan
Doctoral Student in History
David Tamayo
LSA Collegiate Postdoctoral Fellow
Assistant Professor
2520 Haven Hall
Heather Ann Thompson
Frank W. Thompson Collegiate Professor of History and African American Studies
Kira Thurman
Associate Professor of History
Associate Professor of German Studies
Associate Professor of Musicology (School of Music, Theatre, and Dance)
1658 Haven
Hitomi Tonomura
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
1727 Haven Hall
Thomas R. Trautmann
Professor Emeritus of History and Anthropology
Taylor Tyrell
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Andrea Valedón Trapote
Doctoral Candidate in History
Daniel Varela Corredor
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology & History
Alex Votta
Doctoral Student in History and Law
Zoe Waldman
Doctoral Candidate in History
Yizeng Wei
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Tara Weinberg
PhD in History (2023) Lecturer, Department of History, University of the Witwatersrand
Jon Wells
Director, Residential College; Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies
kat wiles
Graduate Program Coordinator
1029 Tisch Hall 734.764.6358
Samuel Winikow
Doctoral Student in History
1641 Haven Hall
Kate Wroblewski
Lecturer; Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies
1029M Tisch Hall 734.763-8905
Yi-Li Wu
Associate Professor of History and Women's and Gender Studies
2203 Lane Hall
Sophie Wunderlich
Doctoral Candidate in History
Stephie Yoon
Doctoral Candidate in History
Jason Young
Associate Professor of History, Director, Institute for the Humanities; Mary Fair Croushore Professor of the Humanities
2672 Haven Hall 734.647.3676
Omri Zemler
Doctoral Student in History
Jian Zhang
Doctoral Candidate in History
1631 Haven Hall
Wang Zheng
Professor Emerita of History and Women's and Gender Studies
Yipeng Zhou
Doctoral Student in History