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Allison Alexy
Associate Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures/Women's and Gender Studies
Micah Auerback
Associate Professor, Japanese Religion
202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111; Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.647.2091
Erin Brightwell
Associate Professor, Pre-modern Japanese Literature
202 South Thayer Street
5135 STB
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
Kevin Carr
Director of Graduate Studies, Center for Japanese Studies; Associate Professor, History of Art
Roy Hanashiro
Professor, History, University of Michigan Flint
History; 322 French Hall; 1950 Japanese Studies 3603 International Inst 1106 810.762.3366
Joshua Hausman
Associate Professor, Public Policy/Economics
Weill Hall
735 S. State St. #3309
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Christopher Hill
Professor, Modern Japanese Studies/Comparative Literature
Akiko Imamura
Director, Japanese Language Program, Asian Languages and Cultures
202 South Thayer Street
5028 STB
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
Shinobu Kitayama
Robert B. Zajonc Collegiate Professor of Psychology, Psychology
Greg Laurence
Professor, Management, University of Michigan-Flint
Markus Nornes
Publications Director, Center for Japanese Studies; Professor, Asian Cinema/Stamps School of Art & Design
202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111; Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.647.2093
Tomoko Okuno
Lecturer IV, Residential College Japanese Program
Yuki Shiraito
Associate Director, Center for Japanese Studies; Assistant Professor, Political Science
Hitomi Tonomura
Professor of History and Women's and Gender Studies
1029 Tisch Hall 734.647.7298
Mark D. West
Nippon Life Professor of Law
Law School; 324 Hutchins Hall; 1215 734.647.4041
Keiko Yokota-Carter
Japanese Studies Librarian
Asia Library
412 Hatcher North
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190