Associate Director, Center for Japanese Studies; Associate Professor, History of Art
kgcarr@umich.eduOffice Information:
phone: 734.764.6223
Center for Japanese Studies; CJS Faculty; CJS Faculty Members; Nam Center for Korean Studies; NCKS Faculty; NCKS Affiliated Faculty; CJS Staff
PhD, Princeton University, 2005; MA, Princeton University, 1999; AB, Amherst College, 1996Highlighted Work and Publications
Plotting the Prince: Shotoku Cults and the Mapping of Medieval Japanese Buddhism
Kevin Carr
Plotting the Prince traces the development of conceptual maps of the world created through the telling of stories about Prince Shōtoku (573?–622?), an eminent statesman who is credited with founding Buddhism in Japan. It analyzes his place in the sacred landscape and the material relics of the cult of personality dedicated to him, focusing on the art created from the tenth to fourteenth centuries. The book asks not only who Shōtoku was, but also how images of his life served the needs of devotees in early medieval Japan.
Even today Shōtoku evokes images of a half-real,...
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