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Leaving and Returning

Leaving Ann Arbor and Home
  • Make sure your bills are paid, including rent and utilities.
  • Register for UM classes and/or meet with academic advisors to plan your schedule for when you return.
  • Use a service like Craigslist, Facebook, or campus subletting lists to find subleasing options for your residence.
Returning to Ann Arbor
  • Transcripts from abroad take time to process. They will show up on your Michigan transcript, but it can take weeks or even months for them to appear, depending on when your program processes transcripts for international students.
  • Housing: Make sure you have housing secured for when you return.
  • Courses: Make sure you register for classes once backpacking opens.
  • Give yourself time to adjust to life back in A2. Reverse culture shock happens. Take time to reflect on your experiences and think about how they will change your life at UM.
  • Being broke: You might come back broke. Be prepared to work more and spend less while abroad to help avoid a tight budget (or even big bills) when you return.
  • Mailing things to the US: You can, but it’s expensive, and important things could get lost or broken.
  • Relationships: Stay in contact with new friends from abroad through social media, email, and even written letters.
  • Put it on your resume: CGIS and other international offices on campus offer resume-building workshops where you can learn how to articulate your study abroad experience in ways that will help you with graduate school and job applications.