- Guides to Teaching Writing
- Teaching Writing with Chatbots
- List of GenAI Tools
- GenAI In The Writing Process
- GenAI Multimodal Projects
- Citation Conventions for GenAI and Chatbots
- Writing Genres and GenAI
- Writing Assignments in STEM
- GenAI and Writing in Engineering and Technical Communication
- Linguistic Justice and GenAI
- Sample U-M Syllabus Statements
- Using ChatGPT for Basic Research
- ChatGPT Response to Sample Essay Prompt
- Call for Test Cases
- Steps for ChatGPT Sample First-Year Writing Course Essay Test Case
- Assigning and Managing Collaborative Writing Projects
- Cultivating Reflection and Metacognition
- Giving Feedback on Student Writing
- Integrating Low-Stakes Writing Into Large Classes
- Motivating Students to Read and Write in All Disciplines
- Providing Feedback and Grades to Second Language Students
- Sequencing and Scaffolding Assignments
- Supporting Multimodal Literacy
- Teaching Argumentation
- Teaching Citation and Documentation Norms
- Teaching Multimodal Composition
- Teaching Project-based Assignments
- Teaching with ePortfolios
- Using Blogs in the Classroom
- Using Peer Review to Improve Student Writing
- OpenAI ChatGPT 3.5 vs UM-GPT: Test Case
- Support for FYWR Courses
- Fellows Seminar
- Teaching Support and Services
- Support for ULWR Courses
- Writing Prize Nominating
1. Enter the assignment guidelines into the prompt box that at least includes the following:
a. A paragraph or a few sentences introducing the assignment and what the end product and/or goal of the assignment is (e.g. an analysis of how a genre operates in a specific text)
b. A list of steps or ways of progression to complete the assignment—with specifications about the kinds of materials/readings the assignment should draw from, whether that’s a particular text(s) [e.g. a book of poetry] or medium of text(s) [e.g. a short story or feature film]
c. A skill or skills that will be practiced or gained through the process of completing the assignment (e.g. close reading, synthesis, brainstorming, etc.)
2. Along with the text from the step above, specify a direction for the assignment (e.g. if we use the example assignment of an analysis of how a genre operates in a specific text, we might ask the chat bot: “Respond to the assignment above using the genre of reality television with the series Keeping Up With the Kardashians”) and hit enter/send the message
3. Study the output of the chatbot and identify an attribute of the prompt/assignment that is missing/under-analyzed which needs to be in the output. Ask for this need with a question (e.g. “Can you identify specific episodes or moments that give more evidence to the ideas listed above?”)
4. After receiving that output, ask a non-yes-or-no question that is a direct followup to the output and is a part of the specifications for the assignment or asks for the counterpoint to the previously asked question (e.g. with the previous question, we asked for evidence that aids how our text relates to our genre—with this one, we might ask for how the the text and genre contradict each other).
5. Read through the output then ask a question that displays interest in the chatbot’s ideas regarding the text (e.g. what’s exciting about this, what’s interesting, what do we need to know).
6. Follow up on what the chatbot thinks is interesting and flip one of its ideas around with a ‘would happen if…’ question that stays within the realm of the assignment and the analysis of the text (e.g. if the chatbot says the beauty standards in Keeping Up With The Kardashians are interesting, you might ask it something like ‘What would happen if there wasn’t an emphasis on beauty?’).
7. Ask for texts that have been influenced by the one you’re analyzing or texts that are similar to it as a means for further reading, analysis, or conclusions.
8. Prompt the chatbot to complete the assignment with specifications that might be missing (e.g. first person POV) and after each output, keep asking for new additions.
9. Have the next prompt ask for the text to be presented in a certain kind of style and/or in a specific venue (e.g. Rewrite the above text in the style of a long form article in The New Yorker.).
10. Read through the output and identify weaknesses or points of improvement that the output could have. Make a prompt that asks for evaluation of those weaknesses (e.g. Evaluate this draft for transitions between paragraphs and make recommendations for how to improve the structure of an essay).
11. Identify an inaccuracy in either the evaluation or another in the outputted text from before. Ask for that characteristic to be improved.
12. Repeat step 11 if necessary.
13. Ask for topics and discussion questions based on the draft that was made.
14, Ask for more texts/examples that reflect the topics and questions you just inquired about.
15. Identify a commonality between the texts or a characteristic of the texts that implies something is missing (e.g. if the authors of the text are by a majority white, ask for more texts by nonwhite authors)
16. Identify another commonality between the texts or a characteristic of the texts that implies something is missing (e.g. if the texts are revolving around a specific time period, ask for more that are before and/or after that time period)
17. Repeat steps 15-16 as necessary.