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O. Henry and the Theory of the Short Story
Ejxenbaum, B.N.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1968
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 41
Price: $4.00
ISBN: 0-930042-09-3
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Contributions [MSC] / 1
Semiosis, Semiotics & the History of Culture: In Honorem Georgii Lotman
Halle, M., et al
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1994
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 384
Price: $22.00
ISBN: 0-930042-55-7
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Contributions [MSC] / 10
Semiotics of Russian Culture
Lotman, J.M. and Uspenskij, B.A.
The Role of Dual Models in the Dynamics of Russian Culture;
New Aspects in the Study of Early Russian Culture;
Echoes of the Notion “Moscow as the Third Rome”;
The Decembrist in Everyday Life;
“Agreement” and “Self-Giving” as Archetypal Models of Culture;
The Theater and Theatricality;
The Stage and Painting as Code Mechanisms;
The Pragmatics of Literary Character;
Reconstruction of the Plan and Ideo-Compositional Function;
The Poetics of Everyday Behavior;
Tsar and Pretender;
Why Should the Devil Speak Syriac? On the Origin of ...
Sign: Semiotics around the World
Bailey, R.W., Matejka, L. and Steiner, P.
Essays in this volume deal in various ways with the process of semiosis. For St. Augustine, the cardinal issue was in the divinity of sacred texts; for Locke, the philosophical consequences of the semiotic; for Freud, the assignment of tokens to sign systems in psychosis; for Eisenstein, the problem of composition uniting distinct systems in the cinema; for more recent theoreticians--Mukarovksy, Greimas, Lotman, and Kristeva--the natures of semiotics itself.
Though by no means exhausting the subject, the contributions published her do reveal the common concerns of past and present. Toward...
See MoreSound, Sign & Meaning: Quinquagenary as the Prague Linguistic Circle
Matejka, L.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1978
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 622
Price: $25.00
ISBN: 0-930042-26-3
Format: Hardcover
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Contributions [MSC] / 6
Studies in Verbal Art: Texts in Czech and Slovak
Jackobson, R.
Publisher: Michigan Slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1971
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 412
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 0-930042-12-3
Format: Paperback
Series Name / Number: Michigan Slavic Contributions [MSC] / 4