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Michigan Slavic Publications

Michigan Slavic Publications (MSP) is a non-profit organization associated with the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of Michigan. Our goal is to publish titles that substantially aid the study and teaching of Slavic and East European languages and cultures.

MSP was originally founded by Ladislav Matejka. To date some one hundred titles have been published, including those by scholars and authors such as Jakobson, Ivic, Lotman, Milosz, Trubetzkoy, Wellek, and others. 

Titles available for purchase are on our booklist. UPS Domestic shipping fees will be calculated and added to the invoice total. Additional fees for expedited services. We offer a 30% discount on two or more books. To place an order, please fill out this order form and email it to us at

All Publications

(alphabetical by title)

Accent in Serbocroatian by I. Lehiste

Alphabet by Vitezslav Nezval

American Criticism: In the Post Structuralist Age by I. Konigsberg

Among the People (paperback) by Milenko S. Filipovic

Annotated Bibliography of Statistical Stylistics by R. W. Bailey and L. Dolezel

Archpriest Avvakum by K. Brostrom

Baroque in Bohemia by M. Souckova, postscript by R. Jakobson

Cinema All the Time: Anthology of Czech Film Theory and Criticism, 1908-1939 by J. Andel and P. Szczepanik

Colors by J. Weil

Comenius: Jan Amos Komensky by V. Busek

Cross Currents #1 by Various

Cross Currents #3 by L. Matejka and B.A. Stolz

Cross Currents #6 by Various

Cross Currents #7 by Various

Cross Currents #8 by Various

Czech Literature by A. Novak

Czech Prose, An Anthology by W.E. Harkins (translator)

Czeslaw Milosz: An International Bibliography: 1930-1980 by R. Volynska-Bogart and W. Zalewski

Eleven Contemporary Artists from Prague by J. Kolar, S. Kolibal, A. Vesely, M. Grygar, E. Kmentova, K. Nepras, K. Malich, A. Kucerova, L. Novak, A. Simotova, and V. Janousek

For Henry Kucera: Studies in Slavic Philology and Computational Linguistics by A.W. Mackie

FASL #1: The Ann Arbor Meeting by Various

FASL #2: The MIT Meeting by Various

FASL #3: The College Park Meeting by J. Toman

FASL #4: The Cornell Meeting by Various

FASL #5: The Indiana Meeting by L. Martina

FASL #6: The Connecticut Meeting by Z. Boskovic, S. Franks, and W. Snyder

FASL #7: Seattle by Various

FASL #8: Philadelphia by Various

FASL #9: The Bloomington Meeting by Various

FASL #10: The Second Ann Arbor Meeting by Various

FASL #11: The Amherst Meeting by Various

FASL #12: The Ottawa Meeting by Various

FASL #13: The South Carolina Meeting by Various

FASL #14: The Princeton Meeting by Various

FASL #15: The Toronto Meeting by Various

FASL #16: The Stony Brook Meeting

FASL #17: The Yale Meeting by Various

FASL #18: Cornell, 2nd Meeting by Various *Only available for purchase directly through MSP. Please email an order form to

FASL #19: The 2nd College Park Meeting by Various

FASL #20: The 2nd MIT Meeting by Various

FASL #21: The Third Indiana Meeting by Various *Only available for purchase directly through MSP. Please email an order form to

FASL #22: The McMaster Meeting by Various

FASL #23: The First Berkeley Meeting by Various

FASL #24: The NYU Meeting by Various

FASL #25: The Third Cornell Meeting by Various

FASL #26: The Urbana-Champaign Meeting 2017 by Various

Framework of Language by R. Jakobson

History of Yugoslav Literature (hcover) by A. Barac

History of Yugoslav Literature (paperback) by A. Barac

History: Another Text by M. D. Birnbaum and R. Trager-Verchovsky

Hussite Movement & Reformation in Bohemia, Moravia & Slovakia by J. K. Zeman

Hymn O Perle by C. Milosz

Image & Code by W. Steiner

In the Puppet Gardens: Selected Poems, 1963-2005 I. Wernisch

The Joy of Recognition: Selected Essays of Omry Ronen by Berry Scherr and Michael Wachtel

Language & Literary Theory:  In Honor of Ladislav Matejka by B. A. Stoltz

Legacy of Genghis Khan by N. S. Trubetzkoy

Letters and Other Materials from the Moscow and Prague Linguistic Circles, 1912-1945 by J. Toman

Medieval Slavic Lives of Saints & Princes by M. Kantor

Monumenta Bulgarica by T. Butler

Monumenta Polonica by B. Carpenter

Monumenta Serbocroatica by T. Butler

O. Henry and the Theory of the Short Story by B. N. Ejxenbaum

On Karel Capek: A Michigan Slavic Symposium by M. Makin and J. Toman

Orest Somov: Selected Prose in Russian by J. Mersereau, Jr. and G. Harjan

Origin of the Slavic Phonological System by F. V. Mares

Papers in Slavic Philology #1 by B. A. Stoltz

Papers in Slavic Philology #2 by R. L. Leneck and H. R. Copper

Photography Sees The Surface by Ladislav Sutnar and Jaromir Funke

Piesn Niepodlegla: The Invisible Song – A Clandestine Anthology by C. Milosz

The Queen's Court and Green Mountain Manuscripts With Other Forgeries of the Czech Revival D. Cooper

Readings in Soviet Semiotics by L. Matejka

Russian Formalist Film Theory by H. J. Eagle

Russian Literature and American Critics by K. Brostrom

Rybi Supiny/Fish Scales by Kelly Miller and Zdenka Brodska

Sacred Farce from Medieval Bohemia by J. F. Veltrusky

Semiosis, Semiotics & the History of Culture by M. Halle et al

Semiotics of Russian Culture by J. M. Lotman and B. A. Uspenskjj

Sign: Semiotics around the World by R. W. Bailey, L. Matejka, and P. Steiner

Slavic Transformational Syntax R. D. Brecht, C. V. Chvany, introduction by H. G. Lunt

Sound, Sign & Meaning Quinquagenary as the Prague Linguistic Circle by L. Matejka

Studies in Macedonian Language, Lit & Culture: The First North American Macedonian Conference by B. A. Stoltz

Studies in Verbal Art: Texts in Czech and Slovak by R. Jakobson

Tagmemics, Discourse & Verbal Art by K. L. Pike

Time in Language by H. Kucera and K. Trnka

Utwory Poetickie by C. Milosz

Velimir Xlebnikov's Shorter Poems: A Key to the Coinages by Ronald Vroon

Your Thwarts in Pieces, Your Mooring Rope Cut: Poetry from Babylonia and Assyria by E. Reiner

Yugoslav Literature 1945-1975: Thirty Years of Yugoslav Literature by Various, T. Eekman