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For Winter 2024:

Professor Sofya Khagi is the temporary Russian advisor during the winter 2024 term while Professor Makin is on leave. She has office hours on Mondays from 1-3pm in 3224 MLB. You can also email to set up an appointment, or ask any questions related to your major/minor. Her email address is

Slavic Department Advising

Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor in the Slavic department if they would like to learn more about the Russian and Polish majors, or the minors in Russian, Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, BCS, or East European and Eurasian Studies. Advisors are able to counsel students about planning a major or minor, how the Slavic department's curriculum relates to other disciplines on campus, graduate school prospects, and/or career choices and the skill sets they involve.

Students are required to meet with an advisor in order to:

  • Elect a major or minor;
  • Develop or modify a plan for the completion of a program;
  • Complete an audit and receive a release prior to graduation.

You may schedule an appointment with our advisors via our appointment scheduling page or you may email our undergraduate advisors to arrange an appointment.

                *Spring and Summer terms: Please email our undergraduate advisors to arrange an                     appointment.

Please email if you have any issues scheduling an advising appointment.

LSA Advising

For general questions, including those about the foreign language and LSA distribution requirements, students should make an appointment to see a general advisor in the LSA Advising Office, which is located in room 1255 of Angell Hall.

LSA Academic Requirements Site

LSA Bulletin Archive