Busek, V.
Comenius (born March 28, 1592, died November 15, 1670) was a genius, recognized as such even in his lifetime all over the world. He was an extremely prolific scholar, and numerous studies have been written about him in the past three hundred years. He was a pioneer of modern education an some of his ideas have yet to be put into effect. His noble plans to establish a universal educational system, to lead all nations towards peace, truth, and the principles of the Christian rule "Love Thy Neighbor" remain the unfulfilled ideals of mankind to this day.
The Three Hundredth Anniversary of his death was welcomed by many scholars, learned societies and institutions, as an occasion to honor his memory.
This volume contains some of the papers devoted to Comenius at the Fifth Congress of the Czechoslavak Society of Arts and Sciences in America, held at New York University School of Law, New York City, November 13-15, 1970.
Publisher: Michigan slavic Publications
Year of Publication: 1982
Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
# of Pages: 184
Price: $32.00
ISBN: 0-936534-10-9
Format: Paperback