Professor of Physics, Interim Chair of Physics Department
Professor Li was born in China. He received his B.S degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2002 and Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2008. He spent three years at MIT as a Pappalardo Fellow before joining the physics department of University of Michigan in 2011.
Professor Li is interested in the investigation of novel magnetic and transport properties of strongly correlated systems, such as novel oxide interfaces, frustrated quantum magnets, and high Tc superconductors. In these systems, the strong correlation drives the interplay between various states of spins and orbitals and gives rise to an amazingly rich diversity of novel phenomena. Right now his research focuses on the topological quantum materials.
Selected Publications
Quantum Oscillations of Electrical Resistivity in an Insulator. Z. Xiang, Y. Kasahara, T. Asaba, B. Lawson, C. Tinsman, Lu Chen, K. Sugimoto, S. Kawaguchi, Y. Sato, G. Li, S. Yao, Y.L. Chen, F Iga, John Singleton, Y Matsuda, Lu Li. Science 362, 65 (2018).
Torque Differential Magnetometry Using the qPlus Mode of a Quartz Tuning Fork. Lu Chen, Fan Yu, Ziji Xiang, Tomoya Asaba, Colin Tinsman, Benjamin Lawson, Paul M. Sass, Weida Wu, B.L. Kang, Xianhui Chen, Lu Li. Physical Review Applied 9, 024005 (2018).
Bulk Rotational Symmetry Breaking in Kondo Insulator SmB6. Z Xiang, B Lawson, T Asaba, C. Tinsman, Lu Chen, C. Shang, X.H. Chen, Lu Li. Physical Review X 7, 031054 (2017).
Rotational Symmetry Breaking in a Trigonal Superconductor Nb-doped Bi2Se3. Tomoya Asaba, B. J. Lawson, Colin Tinsman, Lu Chen, Paul Corbae, Gang Li, Y. Qiu, Y.S. Hor, Liang Fu, Lu Li. Physical Review X 7, 011009 (2017).
Magnetic Phase Diagram of Underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy Inferred from Torque Magnetization and Thermal Conductivity. Fan Yu, Max Hirschberger, Toshinao Loew, Gang Li, Benjamin J. Lawson, Tomoya Asaba, J.B. Kemper, Tian Liang, Juan Porras, Gregory S. Boebinger, John Singleton, Bernhard Keimer, Lu Li, N. Phuan Ong. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 12667 (2016).
Multiple Fermi Surfaces in Superconducting Nb-doped Bi2Se3. B. J. Lawson, Paul Corbae, G. Li, Fan Yu, Tomoya Asaba, Colin Tinsman, Y.S. Qiu, J.E. Medvedeva, Y. Hor, Lu Li. Physical Review B 94, 041114(R) (2016).
Two-Dimensional Fermi Surfaces in Kondo Insulator SmB(6). G. Li, Z. Xiang, F. Yu, T. Asaba, B. Lawson, P. Cai, C. Tinsman, A. Berkley, S. Wolgast, Y.S. Eo, D.J. Kim, C. Kurdak, J.W. Allen, K. Sun, X.H. Chen, Y.Y. Wang, Z. Fisk, and Lu Li. Science, 346, 1208 (2014).
Quantum Oscillations in Cu(x)Bi(2)Se(3) in High Magnetic Fields. BJ Lawson, G. Li, F. Yu, T. Asaba, C. Tinsman, T. Gao, W. Wang, Y.S. Hor, and Lu Li. Physical Review B, 90, 195141 (2014).
High-Field Magnetic Ground State in S=1/2 Kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet ZnCu(3)(OH)(6)Cl(2). Tomoya Asaba, Tian-Heng Han, B.J. Lawson, F. Yu, C. Tinsman, Z. Xiang, G. Li, Young S. Lee, and Lu Li. Physical Review B, 90, 064417 (2014).
Quantum Oscillations in Topological Superconductor Candidate Cu0.25Bi2Se3. B.J. Lawson, Y.S. Hor, and Lu Li. Physical Review Letters, 109, 226406 (2012).
Field(s) of Study
- Condensed Matter Experimental Physics