Professor Pando Zayas’s ultimate interest is in the understanding of the string theory description of quantum gravity and gauge theories. Fortunately, in recent years it has become increasingly evident that the description of both areas might be intertwined in a very interesting way. Namely, the gauge/gravity correspondence stating that certain gauge theories are mathematically equivalent to specific string theories.
His current interests and goals are centered in understanding and generalizing the gauge/gravity correspondence. Some ongoing projects include: (i) High precision tests of the AdS/CFT, (ii) Dualities in field theories and strings and (iii) Gravitational collapse in AdS.
Selected Publications
Toward Precision Holography with Supersymmetric Wilson Loops, (A. Faraggi, L. A. Pando Zayas, G. A. Silva and D. Trancanelli), arXiv:1601.04708 [hep-th].
A Kolmogorov-Zakharov Spectrum in AdS Gravitational Collapse, (H. P. de Oliveira, L. A. Pando Zayas and E. L. Rodrigues) Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 5, 051101 (2013).
Holographic Superconductor with Disorder, (D. Arean, A. Farahi, L. A. Pando Zayas, I. S. Landea and A. Scardicchio) Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014).
Field(s) of Study