Professor and Associate Chair for Research and Facilities
Professor Deng's group's research centers on the discovery, creation, control and applications of quantum states in single-, few-, and many-body systems with matter-light couplings. Current topics focus on light-matter interactions in van der Waals materials, phase transitions in strongly coupled charge and photon systems based on III-As or 2D materials in novel photonic structures, and applications of these systems to new photonic technologies and quantum information science.
Selected Publications
Macroscopic Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Monolayers with Uniformly High Optical Quality, (Q. Li, A. Alfrey, J. Hu, N. Lydick, E. Paik, B. Liu, H. Sun, Y. Lu, R. Wang, S. Forrest, and H. Deng), Nat. Commun. 14, 1837 (2023).
Van der Waal sHeterostructure Polarations with Moiré-induced Nonlinearity, (L. Zhang, F. Wu, S. Hou, Z. Zhang, Y.-H. Chou, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S.R. Forrest, and Deng, H.), Nature 591, 51 (2021).
Signatures of a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Polariton Laser, (J. Hu, Z. Wang, S. Kim, H. Deng, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, N. H. Kwong, and R. Binder), Physical Review X 11, 011018 (2021).
Interlayer Exciton Laser of Extended Spatial Coherence in Atomically Thin Heterostructures, (E. Y. Paik, L. Zhang, G. W. Burg, R. Gogna, E. Tutuc, and H. Deng), Nature 576, 80 (2019).
Photonic-Crystal Exciton-Polaritons in Monolayer Semiconductors, (L. Zhang, R. Gogna, W. Burg, E. Tutuc, and H. Deng), Nature Communications 9, 713 (2018).
Site-Controlled InGaN/GaN Single-Photon-Emitting Diode, (L. Zhang, C.-H. Teng, P.-C. Ku, and H. Deng), Applied Physics Letters 108, 153102 (2016).
High Fidelity Detection of the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light by Time Mapping, (P. Bierdz, M. Kwon, C. Roncaioli, and H. Deng), New J. Phys. 15, 113062 (2013).
Exciton-Polariton Bose-Einstein Condensation, (H. Deng, H. Haug, and Y. Yamamoto), Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 1489 (2010).
Field(s) of Study
- Experimental Quantum Optics
- Quantum Information Processing
- Many-body Physics
- Semiconductor Physics