Professor Emeritus
4215 Homer A. Neal Lab
Lab: SS436, SS428 Randall Lab
phone: 734.764.1598
Professor Becchetti and his group produce and study nuclear reactions with short-lived unstable nuclei, such as 6He, 8Li and 7Be. The research group also develops special instrumentation and nuclear detector systems related to this research. Studies of nuclear reactions involving unstable nuclei provide new, detailed information on the creation of the elements in the Big Bang and the present density and distribution of matter in the Universe. Recently, Professor Becchetti’s group has been developing techniques to provide magnetic confinement of the dose from electron and x-ray beams used in cancer therapy. Both of the above research areas involve the development and use of large superconducting ion-optical magnet systems.
Professor Becchetti is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Selected Publications
7Be-Induced A-Transfer Reaction on 12C, (H. Amro, F.D. Becchetti, Y. Chen, H. Jiang, M. Ojaruega, M.J. Golobish, H.C. Griffin, J.J. Kolata, B. Skorodumov, G. Peaslee, P.A. DeYoung, P. Mears, D. Denby, J. Brown, J.D. Hinnefeld, A.M. Moro), Eur. Phys. J. 150, 1-7 (2007).
Radiotherapy, Heavy Ions and Electrons, F.D. Becchetti in Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, edited by John G. Webster, Second Edition V6, P. 1-13 Wiley Interscience, (2006).
The (8Li, a) Reaction at Low Energy: Direct 4H Cluster Transfer?, (F.D. Becchetti, R.S. Raymond, D.A. Roberts, J. Lucido, P.A. DeYoung, B. Hildore, J. Hilldore, J. Bychowski, A.J. Huisman, P.J. VanWylen, J.J. Kolata, G. Rogachev, and J.D. Hinnefeld), Phys Rev C 72, 054610 (2005).
Magnetic Confinement of Electron and Photon Radiotherapy Dose - a Monte Carlo Simulation with a non-uniform Longitudinal Magnetic Field, (Y. Chen, A.F. Bielajew, D.W. Litzenberg, J. Moran, F.D. Becchetti), Med Phys 32, 3810-3818 (2005).
Perspective: Evidence for Nuclear Reactions in Imploding Bubbles, (F.D. Becchetti), Science 295, 1850 (2002).
Field(s) of Study
- Nuclear Experiment
- Medical Physics