Tel Anafa: Final Report on Ten Years of Excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman Settlement in Northern Israel
Journal of Roman Archaeology, suppl. 10
Vol. I (1994)
By S. C. Herbert
Part i contains contributions by D. T. Ariel, W. Farrand, G. Finkielsztejn, Y. Meshorer, R. Redding, and A. Stein. 335 pp., 47 line drawings, 47 photographs, clothbound
Part ii contains balks, plates, and a locus summary.238 pp., 35 line drawings, 319 photographs, 1 large folding plan, clothbound
Vol. II (1997). The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery
Part i contains The Plain Wares by Andrea Berlin, The Fine Wares by Kathleen Warner Slane, and A Note on the Molded Bowls by Leslie Cornell.592 pp., 43 full page plates, 112 pages of line drawings, clothbound.