A camp group reads “Cleo and Cornelius: A Tale of Two Cities and Two Kitties” in the Graeco-Roman Egypt galleries.

Starting September 1, 2024, the Kelsey Museum will reinstate its pre-pandemic tour pricing. Guided tours for K–12 groups will be available at the rate of $2 per child, and community group tours of 10 or more visitors will likewise be offered at $2 per person. 

With these reinstituted fees, the Kelsey is now also offering financial assistance for K–12 field trips. Teachers interested in learning more about this program can fill out our scholarship form; the Education Department will contact your school with further details. 

We look forward to welcoming students, educators, and community groups to experience our rich collections and tailored educational opportunities this fall. For more information and to schedule your visit, please visit the K–12 and group tour pages on our website.