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Past Fellows

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To view all the fellows for each theme year, please visit our Themes pages.



David Aaron
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Language, Holiness, and Identity: The Concept of l'shon haqodesh from the Late Biblical Era through the Closing of Talmudic Era Literatures

Oren Ableman
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity

“Resistance to Rome in Late Second Temple Jewish Literature"

Jeffrey Abt
2015–16 Theme: 
Secularization /Sacralization

“Religious Ceremonials / Museum Artifacts: Rethinking Jewish Ritual Objects”

2023–24 Theme: 
Jewish Visual Cultures

"The Indigeneity of Heterogeneity: An Exploration of Visual Languages in the History of Judaica”

Christine Achinger
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Constellations of alterity: conceptions of femininity and Jewishness in modern German and Austrian culture

Merav Alush-Levron
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"The Politics of Self-Representation in Contemporary Israeli Cinema and Television: Mizrahim Beyond the Construction of Loss and Subjection"

Joseph L. Angel
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity

“The Architecture of Election: Temple Architecture and the Construction of Social Identities in Ancient Judaism"

Michal Artzy
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Coastal Canaanite Influence on Israelite Cult

Karen Auerbach
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Jewish Publishers of Polish Literature: Integration, Language Choice, and Cultural Identifications (1850-1939)

Leora Auslander
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Strangers at Home: Jewish Parisians and Berliners in the Twentieth Century


Benjamin Baader
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Creating Self and Creating Community: Gender, Class, and Jewish Difference In German Jewish Family Letters and Diaries, 1813-1871

Gershon Bacon
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
The Politicization of the Hasidic Masses in Poland: The Case of Alexander (Aleksandrow) Hasidim, 1900-1930

Olena Bagno-Moldavski
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
Aetiology of the FSU Jewish minorities' political culture in Israel, Germany and Ukraine

Shirly Bahar
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"In Formation: Visualizing the Racialization of the Middle Eastern Jew, 1882 - 1948"

Mira Balberg
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
“Blood for Thought: The Rabbinic Reinvention of Sacrifice in Its Roman and Early Christian Context”

Monique Balbuena
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
The New Faces of Ladino in Latin America Today: Language Revival and National Identity

Anthony Bale
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Fear, Pleasure and the Medieval Jewish Image

Rafael Balulu
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"Thoughts about the Possibility Offered by the 'Metaverse' on Mizrahi History and Aesthetics"

Amir Aharon Banbaji
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
History of Hebrew Literary Criticism and Theory: The Haskala Period

Eitan Bar-Yosef
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
“Zionism, the British Empire, and the Making of Israeli Identity: Mimicry, Resistance, and Nostalgia”

Maya Barzilai
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness 
Monstrous Borders: The Golem Legend and the Creation of Popular Culture
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures (Co-head Fellow)
Translation Beyond Zionism: Hebrew-German Literary Exchanges

Illil Baum
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
The Knowledge of Arabic among the Jews of the Crown of Aragon: Late Medieval Jewish Multilingualism as a Marker of an Elitist Culture

Murray Baumgarten
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Wrestling with the Angel: Civic Virtue and Modern Jewish Writing

Shlomo Berger
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
The Construction of a Cultural Artifact: Early Modern Yiddish Books and the Materializing of Text

Inka Bertz
2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures
“The Entrance of Jews into the Artistic Professions (1770-1870)”

Todd Berzon
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
Holy Tongues:  The Materiality of Language in the Religious World of Late Antiquity

Rivka Bilboim
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Language and Gender: The Case of the "Frecha"

Sara Blair
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
The View from Below: Photography and Urban Vision on the Lower East Side

Inbal Blau (Maimon)
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

 "Mizrahi Discourse on Traditional Justice - The Cases of Ringworm Treatment and Yemeni Children in Israel"

Efrat Bloom
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
“Walter Benjamin’s Secular Prayer”

Gabriele Boccaccini
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews

Diversity without Unity, Judaisms without Judaism? The Search for Rabbinic Origins as a Quest for the Elusive Core of Judaic Studies   

2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity (Head Fellow)     

"Christian and Rabbinic Origins: An Intellectual History, from Daniel to the Mishnah"

Miriam Bodian
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
An Argument for Religious Toleration: The Inquisition Defense of a Seventeenth-Century Portuguese Jew

Catherine Bonesho
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
"Kings, Queens, and Caesars: Gentile Rulers in Early Jewish Literature"  

Rick Bonnie
 2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity

"Material Religion in Hasmonean-Roman Judaea:  The Role of the Senses, Space, and Climate in Determining the Use of Synagogues and Miqva'ot"

Ross Brann
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Andalusi and Sefardi Exceptionalism

Naomi Brenner
2016-2017 Theme:  Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures
Comparative Approaches: Best-Sellers and the Boundaries of Hebrew Literature

Mia Bruch
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
Theory and Practice: American Jews and the Science of Democracy

Zoya Brumberg-Kraus

2023–24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures
“From Gold Mountain to Tinseltown: Ethnic Identity in California’s Architectural Vernacular”

David Bunis
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Expressions of Emotion in Jewish Languages

Sean Burrus
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
Image and Empire:  Jewish Identities and Visual Arts under Rome


Justin Cammy
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters (Co-head Fellow)
The Yiddish Trace in Contemporary Jewish Fiction and Popular Culture

Andrew "Marc" Caplan
2010-11 Theme: Jewish Languages
The Weight of an Epoch: Yiddish Literature and German Culture in the Interwar Era
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
The Weight of an Epoch: Yiddish Modernism and German Modernity in the Weimar Era

Irit Carmon-Popper
2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures
“Past Imperfect: Contemporary Art Versus Heritage in Historic Sites in Israel - A New Comparative Framework”

Rodney Caruthers II
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
"Judaism and its Practice Beyond Ethiopian Rivers"

C. Mike Chin
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
Life:  The Natural History of an Early Christian Universe

Kelley Coblentz Bautch
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
"Recovering Diverse Voices in 1 Maccabees"

Joshua Cole
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
A Riot in France: Violence and Colonial Reform in Algeria, 1919-1940

Monica Colominas Aparicio
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Sephardic Exceptionalism in the anti-Jewish Polemics of Medieval Iberian Muslims

Richard I Cohen

2023–24 Theme: 
Jewish Visual Cultures
 (Co-Head Fellow)

“Revisiting Jewish Icons in Modern Culture and History”

Julia Cohen-Phillips

2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures

Global Threads: An Alternative History of Fin-de-Siecle Parisian Fashion by Way of Constantinople, Algiers, and Kyoto

Alanna Cooper
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Communities on the Margins: Re-Centering Jewish Studies

Lila Corwin-Berman
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Sprawling Judaism: Authenticity in the American Suburb


Deborah Dash Moore
Director, 2005-2015

2007-2008 Theme: Jews & the City (Head Fellow)
Jewish Photographers and American Cities

J.P. Dessel
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
In Search of Biblical Elders: Public Space and Rural Elites in Pre-Monarchic Israel

susi c dessel
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Words Heard in a Black Maria

Lois Dubin
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Rachele and Her Loves: Marriage and Divorce in a Revoluntionary Age

Jessica Dubow
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
“Thinking Outside the City Walls: Philosophy, Geography, and the Radicalism of Judaic Thought”


Todd Endelman
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews (Head Fellow)
Studying Jews


Liane Feldman
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
"Rewriting Sacrifice in Second Temple Judaism"

Sara Feldman
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
“People of the Russian Book: Translating Pushkin into Jewish Languages”

Kirsten Fermaglich
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
A Rosenberg by Any Other Name

Naomi Feuchtwanger-Sarig
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Jewish Life in Ashkenaz in the Early Modern Period: Proposing a Reconstruction

Lucia Finotto
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
The Jewish Translators of the Medieval Kingdom of Sicily

Deborah Forger
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
God's Embodiment in Jewish Antiquity

Jonathan Freedman
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness (Head Fellow)
Borders of Jewishness


Gregg E. Gardner
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
"The Archaeology of Diversity in Rural Palestine During the Second Temple Era"

Elliot Ginsburg
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Ve-yesh sod la-davar (The Word's the Thing): A Thick Description of Jewish Mystical Prayer Practices

Zvi Gitelman
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life (Head Fellow)
Politics and Perspectives on the Holocaust in the Wartime Soviet Union
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
Under and After Empire: Jewish Public Life After Communism

Jennifer Glaser
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Exceptional Differences: Race, Chosennes, and the Postwar Jewish American Literary Imagination

Harvey Goldberg
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives on Maghrib Border Processes

Judith Goldstein
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Jews and Rosaries: Making Intercultural Objects in Contested Spaces

Alessandro Guetta
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
"A common tongue": Jewish translation from Hebrew in Early Modern Italy 

Oren Gutfeld
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Jewish Material Culture in the Judean Shephelah during the Second Temple Period: Beit Loya as a Case Study


Chaya Halberstam
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Sacred Possessions: Material Culture in Early Jewish Texts
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
Justice and Mercy Revisited:  A Religious-Legal History of Judicial Impartiality

Liora Halperin
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures:  Comparative Approaches
Memories of Violence:  The First Aliyah and its After-Images

Brian Hamm
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Being 'Portuguese' at the Diasporic Margins

Benjamin Hary
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
The History of Judeo-Arabic

Yali Hashash
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

 "Mizrahi Feminism between Class, Religion, and Nationalism: A New Comparative Framework"

Marc Herman
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Andalusian Independence from Geonic Authority in its Maliki and Almohad Contexts

Yaakov Herskovitz
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters
Bilingualism Reimagined: Yiddish-Hebrew Literature in an Age of Monolingualism

Brian Horowitz
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
The Development of Russian Zionism as a Social Movement

Mostafa Hussein
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures: Comparative Approaches
The Refraction of Arabo-Islamic Civilization in Hebrew and Israeli Cultures

Noah Hysler-Rubin
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures:  Comparative Approaches
Planning Palestine:  A Comprehensive Approach for the Study of Israel's Urban History


Maya Soifer Irish
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Sephardic Exceptionalism and the Castilian Jewish Elites


Adriana X. Jacobs
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures (Co-head Fellow)
Undead Poets Society: Hebrew Afterlives in Translations

Martin Jacobs
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Constantinople vs. Tenochtitlan: Imperial Expansion through a Post-Expulsion Sephardic Lens

Eve Jochnowitz
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters
A kosherer top un a kosherer lefl: Yiddish Reactions to Modern Jewish Food Practices


Richard Kalmin
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Aramaic Targumim in Jewish and Christian Mesopotamia

Verena Kasper-Marienberg
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Seeking Imperial Justice- Accounts of Conflict in the 18th Century Frankfurt Judengasse

Alexandre Kedar
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
The Judaization of the Israeli Land Regime: 1948–2008

Débora Kantor
2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures

“Israel in Jewish Diaspora Non-Fiction Film”

Louis Kaplan

2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures

“Jewish Photographic Humor in Dark Times: Reflections on Visual First Responders to the Third Reich”

Tamar Kay

2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures

“3938 Chene St.: Research for the Basis of Writing a TV Series Bible

Shaul Kelner
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
“Strategic Sacralization in American Jewish Politics: The Contradictions of Cultural Mobilization in the American Soviet Jewry Movement”

Dov-Ber Kerler
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
By the Wayside: Contemporary Yiddish Poetry and the post-postvernacular

Amy Kerner
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Fragile Inheritance: Yiddish in Buenos Aires, 1930-1970

Dorothy Kim
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Medieval Women and English Exoticism

Reuven Kiperwasser
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
Rabbis Between Two Empires

Melissa Klapper
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace: American Jewish Women's Pre-World War II Activism

Gil Klein
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Consecrating the City: Rabbinic Ritual Topography in the Late Antique Galilean Towns
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
“The Roman Architecture of Empire and the Establishment of Rabbinic Space”

Madeline Kochen
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Property and Justice in the Talmud

Oren Kosansky
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Judeo-Arabic, Translation, and the Languages of Jewish Morocco 

Rachel Kranson
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Jewish Voices, Women's Choices: Jewish Involvement in American Abortion Debates, 1967-2000

Michal Kravel-Tovi
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Materializing the New Jewish Self: Material Culture in the Jewish Conversion Process

Ehud Krinis
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
'Galut' and 'Ghurba' -- Historical and Existential Exile in the Thought of Bahya Ibn Paquda and Judah Halevi

Miriamne Krummel
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
The Medieval Postcolonial Jew: In and Out of Time

Mikhail Krutikov
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Discourse of the Shtetl and the "Jewish Renaissance" in Eastern Europe
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empire (Head Fellow)
Spaces of Memory: Imagining a Soviet Past in Post-Soviet Russian Jewish Writing
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters
Urban Space in Jewish Literature(s)

Jack Kugelmass
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Traveling in Yiddish


Michael Langlois
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
"Pseudepigraphy Between Canonical and Non-Canonical Literature"

Kathryn Lavezzo
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Mapping Jews and Christians in Medieval and Renaissance Literature: A Cultural Geography of English Antisemitism

Marjorie Lehman
2013-14 Theme: Gender
The Gendered Rhetoric of Tractate Yoma

Scott L. Lerner
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
From Ghetto to Monumental Synagogue: Narrative and Jewish Identity in the Capitals of Risorgimento Italy

Mark Leuchter
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
"Scribal Refractions of Imperial Myth in Jewish Texts of the Persian Period"

Vladimir Levin
2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures

“Muskeljudentum and Lachrymose Prayer: How Jewish Historians Constructed Fortress Synagogues”

Julian Levinson
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Metal. Granite. Uproar: Jewish Modernism in the Cauldron of New York City
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters (Co-head Fellow)
A Translation of Isaiah Spiegel’s flamen fun der erd (Flames from the Earth), an Autobiographical Novel of the Łódź Ghetto

Gal Levy
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

 "What Kind of Diversity Are We?": Reading Mizrahi from the Occident"

Lior Libman
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Culture: Comparative Approaches
"Jews in a Harness":  The Socialist-Zionist Labor Movement and Hasidism

Tatjana Lichtenstein
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
A Life at Odds: The Private and Political World of a Prague Zionist

Adam Lowenstein

2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures 

"The Jewish Horror Film: Taboo and Redemption"

Michael Lowy
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
Secularization/ Sacralization in Jewish-German Culture: Kafka, Benjamin, Bloch, Fromm

Howard Lupovitch
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Toward a New Hermeneutic of Religious Reform:  The Life and Legacy of Aron Chorin


Barbara Mann
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
The Meaning of Space: Between the Academy and Jewish Studies

Jessica Marglin
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
The Assarrafs Go to Court: Jews in the Moroccan Legal System during the Nineteenth Century

Evyatar Marienberg
2013-14 Theme: Gender
How Should Jews Do it? The (Hi)story of Traditional Jewish Sex Instruction

Roni Masel
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Disruptive Violence: The Gothic and the Grotesque in Hebrew and Yiddish

Devi Mays
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
“Reorienting Imperial Jews: Constantinople at the Crossroads of Jewish Identities”
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
The Sephardi Connection: Ottoman Jews, the Opium Trade, and the Aftereffects
of Empire

Ariel Mayse
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
Expanding the Boundaries of Holiness: Conceptions of the Sacred in Modern Hasidic Spirituality

Joshua Miller
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages (Co-head Fellow)
Jewish Language
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
“A race in fragments, almost completely scattered”: The Translational Networks of Jewish Latin America

Deborah Dash-Moore
2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures (Co-Head Fellow)

 "Camera as a Passport"

Liron Mor
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

 "Intention: The Racialization of Truth and the Literality of the Other"

Regina Morantz-Sanchez
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Ghetto Girls and Reforming Men: Love, Inter-Marriage, Politics and the American Melting Pot, 1900-1930

Aviad Moreno
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures: Comparative Approaches
From Morocco, in Another Way: Aliyah and Other Jewish Migrations from Northern Morocco, 1860-2010

Alex Moshkin
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Migration and Translation: Contemporary Russian-Israeli Poetry

Eva Mroczek
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
“The Other David: Between the Tanach and the Palmach”

Harriet Murav
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Archive of Violence: The Literature of Abandonment and the Russian Civil War (1917-1922)


Rachel Rafael Neis
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Ancient Jewish Visual Culture
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity (Head Fellow)
The Reproduction of Species:  Humans and Other Materials in Ancient Rabbinic "Biology"

Alona Nitzan-Shiftan
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Designing Politics: Architecture, Nationalism and Judaism in Post-'67 Jerusalem

Anita Norich,
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages (Co-Head Fellow)
Jewish Languages
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Kadya Moldovsky: Fact and Fiction
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Women's Imaginative Prose in Yiddish
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Translation Matters: Women's Prose Writing in Yiddish

Avraham Novershtern
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
The Image of Yiddish in American Yiddish Discourse

Megan Nutzman
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
Asclepius and Elijah:  Ritual Healing in Roman and Late Antique Palestine


Vanessa Ochs
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Jewish Object Lessons

Avner Ofrath
2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

 "A Language of One's Own: Writing Politically in Judeo-Arabic, c. 1860 - 1940"

Isaac Oliver
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Luke: Marginalized Jew in the Greco Roman Diaspora

Ranen Omer-Sherman
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Jewish Levantine Identities in the Contemporary Memoir & Fiction

Aharon Oppenheimer
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
The History of the Jewish People from Bar Kokhva till the Moslem Conquest


S. J. Pearce
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
In the Taifa Kingdoms: The Medieval Poetics of Modern Nationalism

Yoav Peled

2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"Populist Protest: Class and Ethnicity in Mizrahi Political Behavior"

Daniel Picus
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
Ink Sea, Parchment Sky:  Reading Practices of Late Ancient Rabbis

Shachar Pinsker
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Specializing the Margins: The European Cities of Hebrew Modernism 1900-1930
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Urban Cafes, Gender and Modern Jewish Culture
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures: Comparative Approaches (Head Fellow)
A Silent Language?  Yiddish in Israel Literature

Benjamin Pollack
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
Esotericism and Enlightenment: Salomon Maimon between Politics and Metaphysics

Hannah Pollin-Galay
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
My Foreign Mother Tongue: Khurbn Yiddish and the Cultural Contours of Trauma


Paul Reitter
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Clothes Make the German: Jewish Acculturation and the Practice of Everyday Life in Fin-de-Siècle Central Europe

Josefina Rodriguez-Arribas
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Toward a Cultural History of the Astrolabe in Jewish Cultures

Bryan Roby
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures: Comparative Approaches
Blackness and the Double-Consciousness of Arab Jews:  A Comparative History of the Mizrahi and African-American Experience

Na’ama Rokem
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
The Divided Horizon: German-Hebrew Bilingualism in the 20th Century

Eli Rosenblatt
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Enlightening the Skin: Yiddish Culture in the Black Atlantic

Laurence Roth
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Unpacking my Father's Bookstore: Collection, Commerce, Literature

Catherine Rottenberg
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Jews and Blacks in New York City


Gavin Schaffer
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures: Comparative Approaches
Where is Home?  Aliyah and British Jews since 1967

Daniel Schroeter

2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"The Global Politics of Moroccan Jewish Ethnicity Duringthe Era of King Hassan II"

Michael Schlie
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
Franz Rosenzweig, Leo Strauss, and the End of Political Theology

Rachel Seelig
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures: Comparative Approaches
Motherless Tongues:  German-Hebrew Literary Exchange

Naomi Seidman
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Freud and/in Yiddish

Yael Sela
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Music, Myth, and Aesthetic Sensation in Moses Mendelssohn’s Translation Enterprise

Sasha Senderovich
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Translating the "Soviet Jew" Between Russia and America

Dan Shapiro
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Turkic-Karaite Biblical Translations

Shayna Sheinfeld
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity

"Diversity in Jewish Leadership in the First and Second Centuries CE"

Naphtaly Shem-Tov

2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"Contemporary Mizrahi Theatre: Four Performing Mizrahi Frameworks in Israel"

Yael Shenker

2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City

"Representations of West Bank Settlements in the Fiction and Cinema of Israeli Religious Authors"

Ella Shohat

2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"Language, Culture, and the Imaginary of Mizrahi Belonging: Re-membering the Arabic Past in the Hebrew Present"

Andrea Siegel
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
An Experimental Foray: Calendar for Mother and Child and Mother and Child Yearbook

Lisa Silverman
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Beyond Material Claims: Rhetorics of Restitution after the Holocaust

Nancy Sinkoff
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
'Last Witness': Lucy S. Dawidowics, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History

Alexei Sivertsev
2014–15 Theme: Jews and Empires
Jews and the Roman Imperial Culture in Late Antiquity

2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity    "Semiotic Communities: Signs and the Construction of Jewish Group Identities in the Second Temple Period"

Andrew Sloin
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
Pale Fire: The Jewish Revolution in White Russia, 1917-1929

Sammy Smooha
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State: The Palestinian-Arab Minority as the Litmus Test

Catherine M Soussloff

2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures

“Shadows of Diaspora: Material Culture at the Crossroads of Islamic Art and Jewish History”

Scott Spector
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization (Head Fellow)
The ‘Secularization Question’: Germans, Jews, and the Historical Understanding of Modernity

Max Strassfeld
2013-14 Theme: Gender
Classically Queer: Eunuchs and Androgynes in Rabbinic Literature

Guy Stroumsa
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
The Secularized Study of the Abrahamic Religions in the Nineteenth Century

Claude Stuczyniski
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
Iberian Conversos: Victims, Agents, and Thinkers of Empire

Michael Swartz
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
The Economics of Ritual in Judaism in Late Antiquity

Vasileios Syros
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Visions of History and Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives

Ryan Szpiech
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern (Head Fellow)
He is Still Israel? Conversion and Sephardic Identity before and after 1391

Karolina Szymaniak
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Entangled Histories of Yiddish Polish Cultural Contacts in the First Half of the 20th Century (up to 1948)        


Juan Manuel Tebes
2017-18 Theme: Jews and the Material in Antiquity
Fluid Cultural Boundaries in Idumaea and the Formation of Jewish and Idumaean Identitie

Jindrich Toman
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
Bohemia’s Jews and Their Decentered Empire

M Adryael Tong
2021-22 Theme: Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity  "Difference and Circumcision"

Anna Torres
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
Utopian Tongues: Jewish Anarchist Translation Practices

Ruth Tsoffar
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Cannibal Ideology: Sexuality, Ethnicity, and Colonialism in Hebrew Cultures

Yaron Tsur
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Language, Colonialism, and Nationalism - The Case of North African Jewry

Erez Tzfadia

2022-23 Theme: Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity

"Mizrahim and the Local Politics of Ethnicity in Development Towns"

Roni Tzoreff

2023-24 Theme: Jewish Visual Cultures

Israeli Art in the Age of 'Multiculturalism': The Exhibitions for Israel’s 50th Independence Day”


Nick Underwood
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Plural Jewish Communities: Yiddish Culture and Jewish Migration in Post- Holocaust France


Veerle Vanden Daelen
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Experiences of Jewishness and Clustering in a City as Perceived by Jews and non-Jews; The City of Antwerp since WWII in Comparative Perspective

Jeffrey Veidlinger
Director, 2015-2021
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
Border Jew: Between Empires

Jason vonEhrenkrook
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Jewish Statues: How Jews 'Used' Free-standing Sculpture in Greco-Roman Antiquity


Kenneth Wald
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
The Political Behavior of American Jewry

Herbert Weisberg
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
The Distinctive Jewish-American Vote

Kalman “Kal” Weiser
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
From Yidishe visnshaft to Yiddish Studies: Max Weinreich in America

Chava Weissler
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
Spirituality and Art in the Jewish Renewal Movement

Lenore Weitzman
2011–12 Theme: Jews and Political Life
The Politics of Jewish Divorce Law Reform: Agunah Activists in the US, Canada and Israe

Beth S. Wenger
2013-14 Theme: Gender (Convening Fellow)
Making American Jewish Men

Hana Wirth-Nesher
2010–11 Theme: Jewish Languages
Multilingual Jewish Writing: Hebrew-English Cross Scripts
2008–09 Theme: Studying Jews
Cross Scripts: Hebrew Letters, English Writing


Moshe Yagur
2018-19 Theme: Sephardic Identities: Medieval and Early Modern
Who was a Sepharadi? A view from the Cairo Geniza

Deborah Yalen
2007–08 Theme: Jews and the City
Eradicating the Distinctions between City and Countryside: Jews, Urbanization and the Shtetl in Find-de-Siecle Russia and the Soviet Union
2014-15 Theme: Jews and Empires
Forging the Anti-Imperial Empire: Jews, Ethnographic Science, and the Soviet Family of Nations


Orian Zakai
2012-13 Theme: Borders of Jewishness
Hebrew Women, Their Others, Their Nation

Saul Zaritt
2019-20 Theme: Yiddish Matters 
Yiddish, Translation, and Jewish Language Afterlives: A Taytsh Manifesto

Oded Zehavi
2009–10 Theme: The Culture of Jewish Objects
T'ka Beshofar (Sound the Great Shofar); the Unanswered Cry of the Shofar

Yael Zerubavel
2016-17 Theme: Israeli Histories, Societies and Cultures: Comparative Approaches
Biblical Reenactments:  The Performance of Antiquity in Modern Israeli Culture

Genevieve Zubrzycki
2015–16 Theme: Secularization/ Sacralization
Resurrecting the Jew: Philosemitism, Pluralism, and Secularism in Contemporary Poland

Jason Zurawski
2020-21 Theme: Translating Jewish Cultures
The Reception of the Greek Translation of Hebrew Scriptures in the Hellenistic Diaspora