German 472 Students Translate Selim Özdoğan
Wieso Heimat? Ich wohne zur Miete (2016, Haymon Verlag) (Who Said Heimat, I’m Only Renting)
Transit recently published translations from Selim Özdoğan’s novel Wieso Heimat? Ich wohne zur Miete by Milena Beltrama, Brittany Boyle, Brandon Cummings, Kristen Datta, Hannah Kelley-Watkins, Nathan Korth, Edward Kosta, Ted Ma, James Margard, Sydney McConnell, and Sabrina Walker. These students were all part of Assistant Professor Kristin Dickinson’s German 472 seminar “Un/Translatability in Theory and Practice” in Fall 2016. Özdoğan, then U-M’s Max Kade Writer in Residence, visited the seminar and worked with the students on their translations. Read their translations here:
In addition to the students’ translations, Transit also published an introduction to the novel and an interview with Selim Özdoğan by Kristin Dickinson.