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German Day

German Day is an annual event of competitions and fun for middle and high school German students sponsored by U-M's Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.

April 11, 2025: Alles über Österreich!


Often overlooked or only briefly incorporated into German classes, Austria, with its rich history, culture and language takes center stage at this year’s German Day. 

Art and music have always played a prominent role in Austrian society, and some of the world’s most celebrated composers and artists - Mozart, Schubert, Klimt and Hundertwasser, just to name a few - called Austria their home.  From the free-spirited Empress Elizabeth “Sisi” to the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, from the Habsburgs to Wienerschnitzel, Austrian influences can be seen throughout time and around the world. 

We wish you viel Spaß, as you discover the “Land der Berge, Land am Strome”.

Student registration will open on Friday, March 14, 2025. 

Questions? Please email