Brunssen Presents at International Conferences
Pavel Brunssen presents at International Football History Conference June 7, 2019
Graduate student Pavel Brunssen presented at two international conferences this spring. The 2019 World Congress of Sociology of Sport was held April 24-27, 2019 in Dunedin, New Zealand. Brunssen presented on "Structural Antisemitism in German Football Fan Culture" during the Gender and Discrimination session on Thursday, April 25. Brunssen's second presentation was "'Hooligans Against Salafism': Football fans and the right-wing shift in Europe" during the Fandom/Spectatorship session on Friday, April 26. The conference program can be viewed here.
During the International Football History Conference in Manchester, United Kingdom, Brunssen presented "'Niemals ein Teil des Spiels' - How Anti-Capitalist Antisemitism Became a Wide Spread Phenomenon in Germany's Football Fan Culture" on June 7, 2019. More information about this conference is available here.