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Videos - News Broadcasts


News Broadcast about axolotls and motocross.

Frankenmuth High School
By:  Brandon K, Chase B

Level: Beginner

Comparing the 20's news broadcast 

Frankenmuth High School
By:   Lauren H, Izzy B

Level: Beginner

News report about the Inflation of the 1920s and 2020s

Frankenmuth High School
By:   Ava G, Caleb M

Level: Beginner

In this news broadcast, we go over some past news from Germany; both in the 1920's, and 2020's

Frankenmuth High School
By:   Wesson R, Austin E

Level: Beginner

A news story about fridges

Frankenmuth High School
By:  Jack L

Level: Beginner

We did a sports podcast on basketball in germany and then a sports broadcaster from the 1920s spawns in. They compare/contrast basketball in their times learning about how much different basketball is. 

Royal Oak High School
By:  Shawn D, Drew B, Eddie S

Level: Beginner

My brother and I created a joking news broadcast, in which we describe some similarities between the 1920's era, and the 2020's era.
(I apoligize for the brief editor's glitch at the start of the video. no matter how many times I re-rendered the project, it would not go away. sorry!)

Edsel Ford High School
By:  Lucian S

Level: Beginner


In dem Video zeige ich das Wetter und vergleiche die 1920er und 2020er Jahre.

Hudsonville High School
By: Emma R.

Level: Advanced

In diesem Projekt geht es um den großen Geldmangel der1920er Jahre. Damals gab es einenriesengroßen Geldmangelwodurch alles teurer wurde, teilweise sogar von Minute zuMinute. Ich werdees mit dem Krieg zwischen Russland undder Ukraine, sowie mit der Corona-Pandemie vergleichen.
In den 1920er Jahren wurden schnell die wenigen Vorräteaufgekauft. Das gleiche passierte zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie. Viele Artikel des alltäglichen Bedarfs warenblitzschnell ausverkauft.

Ich finden diesen Vergleich sehr interessant, weil Geld damalswie auch heute sehr wichtig ist und es zeigt sehr anschaulichdas es ähnliche Probleme in den 1920er Jahren und heute gibt.

Deutsche Schule Ann Arbor
By: Lea N.

Level: Advanced

News Broadcast by Rudolf Steiner High School Students.This Broadcast is comparing pandemics, soccer, conspiracy theories, and art of the 1920's and 2020's. We discuss the Spanish Flu vs Covid-19, the evolution of the world cup, the stab in the back myth, and two art movements.

Rudolf Steiner High School
By: Jacob F; Hana V; Julien L; Tavyn L

Level: Advanced

Both the 1920's and the 2020's feature major world events that are very similar. Whether it be war or disease, the 1920's shared many of the same problems that we still face today. This news broadcast documents those problems, and how they are echoed in the past.

Frankenmuth High School
By: Eric N.

Level: Advanced

Nachrichten uber Deutschland in den 1920er und 2020er Jahren 

Royal Oak High School
By: Miles L, Owen S

Level: Advanced