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Translate-A-Thon 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014
4:00 AM
LRC, North Quad

Translating for the Community

The Second Annual LSA Translate-a-thon!

Do you know a second (third or fourth) language? Are you interested in translation?

Whether you are learning a language, a seasoned professional translator, investigating the profession, or just looking to put your linguistic skills to use; join us for a weekend of community translating. In collaboration with local, state, and international community non-profit agencies, we will be translating a variety of works that will then serve our communities!
Interested? Register now!

Brought to you by:
The Language Resource Center and Engaging Translation, a MCubed project spearheaded by the Department of Comparative Literature

For more information, see: Translate-a-thon 2014