- What is Comp Lit?
- Advising and Declaring
- Courses
- Student Spotlights
- Major in Comparative Literature, Arts, and Media
- Major in Translation
- Minor in Translation Studies
- First Year Writing Prize
- Senior Prize in Literary Translation
- Transfer Students
- Transfer Credit
- Accelerated MA Program in Transcultural Studies
- Comp Lit Plagiarism Statement
- Recommendation Requests
- Activities
- Peer Mentors
Welcome to the Department of Comparative Literature!
Students come to our department because they have an interest in other languages, literatures, and cultures; they enjoy reading and the discussions that follow thoughtful reading; they desire to become strong, articulate writers; they are eager to delve into literature from all over the world; they are curious about the relation between literature and other disciplines.
Our undergraduate program is designed to provide students with:
- Broad knowledge and appreciation of world literatures and cultures, past and present
- Skills in critical thinking, critical reading, and critical writing
- Experience in cross-cultural and multi-cultural analysis
- Ability to reflect on the relation between language and culture
- Awareness of various forms and functions of translation
- Insight into different modes of representation and interpretation
- Understanding of comparative methodologies
- Familiarity with theoretical concepts in literary and cultural studies
We pride ourselves as a department on the amount of individual attention that we give to each student. We invite you to become part of the community along our “Comp Lit Corridor” (the corridor on the second floor of Tisch Hall, connecting Angell Hall and Haven Hall). Along the corridor you will find bulletin boards with course flyers, announcements, and snapshots of Comparative Literature faculty and staff.