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Lineages of the Literary Left

Thursday, March 21, 2013
4:00 AM
Founders Hall, Alumni Center and Forum Auditorium, Palmer Commons

A Symposium in Honor of Alan M. Wald, H. Chandler Davis Collegiate Professor of English and American Culture University of Michigan

Thursday March 21, 2013
1:00pm – 6:30pm
Founders Hall, Alumni Center
Keynote Address, 4:00 pm:  Michael Löwy
Research Director in the Social Sciences, emeritus,
CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research), Paris, and author,
Fire Alarm: Reading Walter Benjamin’s On the Concept of History

Friday March 22, 2013
9:00am - 4:45pm
Forum Auditorium, Palmer Commons
Keynote Address, 3:00 pm: Tariq Ali
Editorial Board, New Left Review, London, and author,
The Clash of Fundamentalisms:  Crusades, Jihads and Modernity and
The Islamic Quintet

This conference examines the state of scholarship regarding literary movements associated with the political Left through the twentieth century and into our own time—in the United States and worldwide.  Over a dozen visiting scholars will join panel discussions prior to the keynote addresses on Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Free and Open to the Public
For more information: Howard Brick, Department of History (

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA), Department of English, Department of American Culture (with the participation of Native American Studies, Latina/o Studies, and Asian/Pacific Islander Studies), Rackham School of Graduate Studies, Office of the Vice President for Research, Institute for the Humanities, International Institute, Office of the Provost, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University Library and Joseph A. Labadie Collection, Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, German Department, History Department, Sociology Department, Center for South Asian Studies, Modern Greek program, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID), Department of Near Eastern Studies, Bentley Historical Library, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG), U.S. Literatures and Cultures Consortium, Interdisciplinary Marx and Post-Structuralism Group, LSA Honors Program, Department of Romance Languages, Women of Color in the Academy Project (WOCAP)