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On Translating Romanian Poetry: A  Conversation with Liliana Ursu and Sean Cotter

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
4:00 AM
2024 Tisch Hall

Translation lunch on Romanian Poetry.

The Department of Comparative Literature invites you:
On Translating Romanian Poetry:  A  Conversation with Liliana Ursu and Sean Cotter
Translation Lunch
Tuesday March 31, 2009
12-1 pm  (Comparative Literature Library, 2015 Tisch)
The internationally acclaimed Romanian poet Liliana Ursu has collaborated with Sean Cotter on translations of her poetry, including "Lightwall" (2009) and "Goldsmith Market" (2004), and also an anthology entitled  "Dinner at the Table of Silence: Poets from Gorj" (2002).  Cotter received his PhD in Comparative Literature at UM in 2004, and is now Assistant Professor of Literature and Translation Studies at the University of Texas, Dallas.

Sponsored by the Department of Comparative Literature and the MFA Program in Creative Writing