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International Student Scholarships

Applications for the 2025-26 academic year are now open!

Students must be admitted to LSA to apply.

Important Notice: Application Login Issues

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our application login system. Our team is working diligently to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will notify admitted students when the issue has been resolved.

Next Steps:

  • If you have been admitted to LSA for the 2025-2026 academic year, you will receive an LSA Scholarship Congratulations email. 
  • Once you receive the email, the login issues are resolved and you can begin your LSA Scholarship application process. 
  • LSA Scholarship Congratulations emails will be sent during the first week of February 2025.
  • For priority consideration, submit your LSA Scholarship application within two weeks of receiving your LSA Scholarship Congratulations email.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

International Student Scholarships

The LSA Scholarships Office awards a small number of International Student Scholarships each year to first-year incoming LSA students. These awards will be renewable for four years of study. Recipients are selected based on information provided through their scholarship application and their undergraduate admissions application. 

The College of LSA continues to see an increase in the number of admitted international students from previous years. In the process of selecting recipients, we honor the intentions of our generous donors who fund these scholarships.

What does the scholarship cover?

For qualified LSA students, the International Student Scholarship helps to cover the cost of attendance for Fall and Winter terms. 

Amounts and Duration

Award amounts can go up to 25,000 USD. All International Student Scholarships are renewable for four years of undergraduate study, provided students maintain eligibility by completing their requirements each academic year.

Application Deadline

The deadline to apply is April 15. Our office will begin evaluating applications on a "rolling basis" Applying early increases a student’s chances of being matched with a scholarship.

We understand how the cost of higher education will affect your decisions with regards your educational journey. Award notifications will be sent by April 18, before the LSA's enrollment deadline. 

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for an International Student Scholarship, a student:

  • Must be an incoming first-year undergraduate student admitted to a degree program in the College of LSA. Students will be considered even if they have not yet enrolled.
  • Must NOT be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident.
  • Must be enrolled (or intend to enroll) full-time (12 credit hours or more) each term.

How do I apply?

Students must be admitted to the College of Literature, Science and the Arts in order to apply. 

For Enrolled Students:
Click the application link below and login with your UM uniquename and password.

For Non-Enrolled Admitted Students:
You must complete all three steps before logging into to our application portal.
The process may take up to 48 hours. 

Step 1: Create a UM Friend Account here.

(PLEASE NOTE: When creating a Friend Account, students should use the same email they used when applying to UM. A Friend Account is required to access all university systems, including the LSA Scholarships Application Portal.)

Step 2: Verify a UM Friend Account on Wolverine Access.

(Students should navigate to the Students tab, click on New & Prospective Student Business, and login with their Friend Account ID and password to verify personal information, including UMID and birth date. If you forgot your Friend Account Password reset it here. The verification process may take up to 24 hours.)

Step 3: Once verification is complete click the application link below.

Access Timeline:
Student account information migration to our application system may take 24-48 hours post-authorization. We recommend clearing your browser's cache after verification.

Common Questions