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Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty

Germine Awad
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor Professor of Psychology
3267 East Hall 734.936.6049
Elizabeth R. Cole
Director of the National Center for Institutional Diversity; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Psychology and Afroamerican and African Studies
3268 East Hall 734.615.3985
Terri D. Conley
Gender and Feminist Psychology Area Chair; Professor of Psychology
3243 East Hall
530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Lilia Cortina
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology and Women's & Gender Studies; Professor (by courtesy) of Management & Organizations
Sara McClelland
Associate Professor of Psychology & Women's and Gender Studies
2114 Lane Hall
2260 East Hall
Isis Settles
LSA Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor; Professor of Psychology; Afroamerican and African Studies, and Women's and Gender Studies