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Faculty Areas of Expertise

Below is a list of faculty members by their areas of expertise.  Clicking on a faculty member's name will direct you to their website and provide their contact information.


Pitcher, Min


Hicken (SE Asia), Hong (NE Asia), Jones (Central Asia), Min (India), Slater (SE Asia)

Conflict, Security, and Terrorism

Davenport, DinceccoFranco-VivancoMin, Morrow, Tessler

Congress and the President

FongHall, Kollman, LowandeLupia, Shipan

Development & the Developing World

Dincecco, Franco-VivancoHicken, HongJones, MinPitcher, SlaterTessler


Dincecco, Franzese, GitelmanJacksonKollman, Markovits, Tsebelis,

Finance and Trade

Dincecco, Franzese, Osgood

Human Rights

Davenport, FarissKoremenos

International Law and Organization

Koremenos, Morrow

Latin America


Media and Politics

PasekTraugott, Valentino

Middle East

Gitelman, Tessler

Political Parties

DischFranzeseHicken, JacksonKollman, Slater

Public Opinion

Burns, HutchingsLupia, PasekTessler, TraugottValentino

Public Policies

Franzese (Economic), Jackson (State Economic Development), Lowande (Policing), Rabe (Environment), Shipan (Health)

Race and Politics

Davenport, Franco-VivancoHutchings, Mickey, PasekTeminValentino

Religion and Politics

Gitelman, Jones (Islam), SlaterTessler


Gitelman, Jones, Zimmerman

Social Movements & Protest

Davenport, HongSlater

State and Local Government

Bednar, Burns, Gerber, Mickey

Supreme Court and Judicial Politics

Bednar, Beim, Kirkland, Shipan

U.S. Elections

HallHutchings, Kollman, Lupia, Mebane, PasekTraugott, Valentino

Women and Politics

Burns, DischKirkland, TesslerWingrove