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Saturday Morning Physics | Breaking Bias, Building Bots: The Intersection of DEI and Robotics

Oluwami Dosunmu-Ogunbi, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
Saturday, February 22, 2025
10:30-11:30 AM
170 & 182 Auditoriums Weiser Hall Map
Robots do exactly what we tell them but building machines that truly serve everyone requires diverse perspectives. This talk explores how robots work, how we control them, and why diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to shaping the future of robotics.

Join us in person or via livestream:
Building: Weiser Hall
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: AEM Featured, Basic Science, Free, Graduate Students, Lecture, Michigan Robotics, Physics, Prospective Graduate Students, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Robotics, Science, Undergraduate Students
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Saturday Morning Physics, Department of Astronomy, School of Information, Department of Physics, The Center for the Study of Complex Systems, LSA AEM, LSA Biophysics, Michigan Robotics, Undergrad Physics Events, Women+ in Robotics and Engineering