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Brown Bag Seminar | Dynamical Edge Modes and Entanglement in Gauge Theory

Adam Ball (Perimeter)
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
12:00-1:00 PM
3481 Randall Laboratory Map
Standard approaches to entanglement entropy assume a factorization of the Hilbert space along subregions. All QFTs have UV obstructions to this factorization, requiring regularization. Gauge theories have additional, global/IR obstructions. The treatment in the existing literature for entanglement entropy in gauge theories involves a by-hand path integral over non-dynamical superselection sectors, labeled by edge modes. I will describe a new approach that treats the edge modes dynamically, incorporating them into a single phase space, and allows the entanglement to be written as a genuine thermal trace on a subregion. I will provide checks in all dimensions by comparing with recent results on sphere partition functions.
Building: Randall Laboratory
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: brown bag, Brown Bag Seminar, Physics
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, HET Brown Bag Series, Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Seminars, Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Brown Bag Seminars