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Kerstin Barndt
Chair, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
Associate Professor of German Studies
3106 MLB 734.764.8018
Kristin Dickinson
Director of Graduate Studies, German
Associate Professor of German Studies
Johanna Eriksson
Collegiate Lecturer
Teaching Professor
Lecturer IV
Director of Scandinavian Studies
Megan Ewing
Assistant Professor
3208 MLB
Office Hours: Monday & Friday 12-1
Kalli Federhofer
Teaching Professor
Alan P. Cottrell Collegiate Lecturer
Undergraduate Advisor
Office Hours:
MW 8-11:30, 2:30-5
Tu 8-12:30, 1-2:30
Th 1-5
F 8-11:30, 1:30-5
Helmut Puff
Professor of German
Professor of History
Professor of Women's and Gender Studies
Robin Queen
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of German, Linguistics & English Language and Literature
Department of Linguistics, Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures (courtesy appointment)
Hartmut Rastalsky
Teaching Professor
Language Program Director
3214 MLB
Office Hours: Tu 4-5, In German Lab M 2-3
Mary Rodena-Krasan
Lecturer IV
Undergraduate Advisor
3128 MLB
Office Hours: T & Th 10-12:30, 2-4, F 10-12, 1-2
Scott Spector
Rudolf Mrázek Collegiate Professor of History and German Studies
Professor of Judaic Studies
3204 MLB
Kira Thurman
Associate Professor of German (dry appointment)
Associate Professor of History
Associate Professor of Musicology (School of Music, Theatre, and Dance)
Johannes von Moltke
Rudolf Arnheim Collegiate Professor of German Studies and Film, Media & Television
6330 North Quad
Office Hours: W 2-3
Silke-Maria Weineck
Associate Chair, German
Professor, German Studies and Comparative Literature
3138 MLB