Professor of German
Professor of History
Professor of Women's and Gender Studies
Graduate Faculty; Faculty; Germanic Languages and Literatures; German
Ph.D., German and History, University of BaselHighlighted Work and Publications
Miniature Monuments: Modeling German History
Helmut Puff
This study takes a material object as its starting point: small-scale models of bombed out cities. Created between 1946 and the present, these plastic renderings of places provide eerie glimpses of destruction and devastation resulting of war. This study considers these "miniature monuments" in a deep cultural history that interlaces the 16th, 18th, and 20th centuries. Miniature Monuments thus tackles a haunting paradox: building ruins.
After the History of Sexuality: German Genealogies with and Beyond Foucault
This is an important collection of essays, many of them very original and outstanding, that will further the field of history of sexuality in general and will contribute to the German historiography in particular. Lutz Sauerteig, University of Durham.
This volume provides a thought provoking and thorough engagement with various aspects of Foucault's writing, at once paying homage to core themes in the history of German sexuality and charting a course for future research...The organization, structure, and coherence of each section is very strong...Most intriguing is its...
See MoreSodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600
Helmut Puff
During the late Middle Ages, a considerable number of men in Germany and Switzerland were executed for committing sodomy. Even in the seventeenth century, simply speaking of the act was cause for censorship. Here, in the first history of sodomy in these countries, Helmut Puff argues that accusations of sodomy during this era were actually crucial to the success of the Protestant Reformation. Drawing on both literary and historical evidence, Puff shows that speakers of German associated sodomy with Italy and, increasingly, Catholicism. As the Reformation gained momentum, the formerly...
See MoreVon dem schlüssel aller Künsten / nemblich der Grammatica": Deutsch im lateinischen Grammatikunterricht
Helmut Puff
Publisher: Francke
Year of Publication: 1995
Location: Tubingen
# of Pages: 424
ISBN: 978-3772019883