Professor of German
Office Information:
phone: 734.764.8010
Graduate Faculty; German; Faculty; Germanic Languages and Literatures
Ph.D., German Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989Publications
The Conquest of Ruins: The Third Reich and the Fall of Rome
Julia Hell
The Roman Empire has been a source of inspiration and a model for imitation for Western empires practically since the moment Rome fell. Yet, as Julia Hell shows in The Conquest of Ruins, what has had the strongest grip on aspiring imperial imaginations isn’t that empire’s glory but its fall—and the haunting monuments left in its wake.
Hell examines centuries of European empire-building—from Charles V in the sixteenth century and Napoleon’s campaigns of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries to the atrocities of Mussolini and the Third Reich in the 1930s and ’40s—and...
See MoreRuins of Modernity
Julia Hell and Andreas Schönle, Editors
Publisher: Duke University Press
Published: March 2010
# of Pages: 528
ISBN: 978-0822344742
Post-Fascist Fantasies: Psychoanalysis, History, and the Literature of East Germany
Julia Hell
Publisher: Duke University Press
Published: November 1997
# of Pages: 384
A period of "wild and fierce fanaticism": Populism, theo-political militarism, and the crisis of US hegemony
Julia Hell, George Steinmetz
Name of Periodical: American Journal of Cultural Sociology
Volume Number: 5
Issue Number: 3
Year of Publication: 2017
Page Numbers: 373-391
Demolition Artists: Icono-Graphy, Tanks, and Scenarios of (Post-) Communist Subjectivity in Works by Neo Rauch, Heiner Müller, Durs Grünbein, and Uwe Tellkamp
Julia Hell
Name of Periodical: The Germanic Review
Volume Number: 89
Issue Number: 2
Year of Publication: 2014
Page Numbers: 131-170
doi Number: 10.1080/00168890.2014.917043
Ruinopolis: Post-Imperial Theory and Learning from Las Vegas
Julia Hell, with George Steinmetz (German Studies and Sociology)
This essay foregrounds a dimension of Las Vegas that other authors only touch on in passing: its connections to empire. The authors propose a post-imperial analysis of the city based on a reconstruction of its history and a reading of the traces of this history in the city's architecture and its self-presentation in American popular culture. This analysis of Las Vegas as ruinopolis draws attention to the ruin sites of the city and its hinterland, reading them through the lens of empire. We work out the imperial...
See MoreModernity and the Holocaust, or, Listening to Eurydice
Julia Hell
See Bauman’s response in Theory Culture and Society Blog
See MoreKatechon: Carl Schmitt's Imperial Theology and the Ruins of the Future
Julia Hell
Name of Periodical: The Germanic Review
Volume Number: 84
Issue Number: 4
Year of Publication: 2009
Page Numbers: 283-356
The Twin Towers of Anselm Kiefer and the Trope of Imperial Decline
Julia Hell
Name of Periodical: The Germanic Review
Volume Number: 84
Issue Number: 1
Year of Publication: 2009
doi Number: 10.3200/GERR.84.1.84-93
Dissolution/Revolution: Uwe Tellkamp’s Postwall Novel Der Turm and the Peculiar Configuration of the Public Sphere in the Late GDR
Julia Hell
For Social Science Research Council, forum on the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall (2009).
Name of Periodical: Social Science Research Council
Year of Publication: 2009
The Visual Archive of Colonialism: Germany and Namibia
Julia Hell, with George Steinmetz
Review of article in The Times Literary Supplement, November 3, 2006.
Name of Periodical: Public Culture
Volume Number: 18
Issue Number: 1
Year of Publication: 2006
Page Numbers: 147-184
doi Number...
See MoreRemnants of Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt, Heiner Mueller, Slavoj Zizek and the Re-Invention of Politics
Julia Hell
Name of Periodical: Telos
Volume Number: 136
Year of Publication: 2006
Page Numbers: 76-103
The Angel's Enigmatic Eyes, or The Gothic Beauty of Catastrophic History in W.G. Sebald's "Air War and Literature"
Julia Hell
Name of Periodical: Criticism
Volume Number: 46
Issue Number: 3
Year of Publication: 2004
Page Numbers: 361-92
Eyes Wide Shut, or German Post-Holocaust Authorship
Julia Hell
Name of Periodical: New German Critique
Year of Publication: 2003
Page Numbers: 9-36