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Lecture. “Meadyrade: Examples, Arguments, Definitions, Distinctions.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
4:00 AM
3308 MLB

What happens to art in an environment of barren, diseased, corrupt and bankrupt imagination, both individual and collective? Under such circumstances, art does the best it can: it makes itself missed. Meadyrade stands for self-suspended, non-accessible art. Meadyrade is art that denies itself from our experience, on its own free will. Meadyrade is audience-free art.

Sreten Ugricic is a writer, philosopher, librarian. He served as director of the National Library of Serbia from 2001-12. In January 2012, after publicly defending freedom of speech in Serbia, he was accused by the Serbian Minister of the Interior of supporting terrorism and then dismissed from the position. Consequently, Ugricic was forced to leave the country and to stay abroad (Switzerland, Austria, USA). Ugricic is the author of nine books (fiction, essays, and theory). In 2014 a translation of his latest novel was published in Macedonia and a new collection of stories and essays was published in Montenegro under the title Život je inostranstvo (Life Is a Foreign Land). Ugricic is currently a visiting scholar at Stanford University (2013-2015), where he pursues the project “Meadyrade”.

Sponsors: Avant Garde Interest Group, CREES

Sreten Ugričić, philosopher, librarian, and author