The Practice of Writing
Credits: 3
Grading: Mandatory credit/no credit
May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits
This course emphasizes an intensive one-on-one approach to teaching writing, including frequent student-teacher conferences. It addresses key features of college writing including: analysis in addition to summary; revision for focus and clarity; development and generation of ideas; and style built on a solid grasp of conventions of grammar and punctuation. Students gain confidence for writing assignments typical of college classes. Activities include discussion and analysis of readings, explanation and modeling of writing strategies and techniques, along with peer review workshops.
Course Requirements:
- Regular attendance and participation
- Working with peers to review and workshop drafts
- Student-instructor conferences to workshop drafts
- Timely completion of all assignments
Intended Audience:
Students who have yet to fulfill the First-Year Writing Requirement who want to improve their ability to express ideas and arguments in writing.